Monday, June 16, 2014

Mechanics Dispatch For June 15, 2014

                                                                              June 15, 2014
President Hoffa Visits SFO
On June 13th President Hoffa visited with members at the Maintenance Base in OV and Engine Shop.
Mr. Hoffa walked the floor and spoke with several members during the tour of these two areas. A short meeting was held afterwards with stewards, and Business Agents in the Union Office at the Base.
Pictured to the left are: Engine Shop Chief Steward Steve Anderson, Local 856 Business Agent Javier Lectora, General President James Hoffa, Airline Division Representative Clacy Griswold, and Local 986 Business Agent Rich Petrovsky. (sorry, I couldn't get the picture to upload)

Recently an individual with no facts decided to put out a “newsletter”. The term “newsletter” can only be used to describe the format as the content is nothing but speculation and innuendo.
The report outlines a new pension plan that would prohibit a surviving spouse from receiving benefits. This would be a violation of Federal law. Nothing more needs to be said about that.
Another point in the factually incorrect letter was that the APU grievance was withdrawn as some sort of a deal. The reasons for the withdrawal were relayed to the Business Agents. As the last Mechanics Dispatch reported, the grievance was withdrawn “without prejudice” meaning it can be refiled.
The reasons for the withdrawal are not being put in print for one very important reason. Past grievances have been lost as a result of previous unions on the property that tended to write down every detail of a case or meeting. These written responses were then used against this membership, whether at face value or by twisting those written words, in several arbitration cases. Since as stated this grievance was withdrawn without prejudice and may be refiled, it is
not in anyone’s interest but the company for the Division to write down the reasons for withdrawal.
There is more in the “newsletter” but devoting more resources to someone who is clearly not interested in facts is a waste of everyone’s time. Please do not succumb to rumors as a divided membership only benefits the company.

Steward and Craft Meeting at IAD
Last week Business Agent Ralph Salzano conducted a Steward meeting and a craft meeting for mechanics at Dulles. Also in attendance were Chief Stewards Jay Koreny from IAD and Vincent Graziano from Newark. The two day meeting covered contract interpretation as well as other local issues.

Happy Father’s Day
From all of us at the Airline Division, a Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there!

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