Monday, June 9, 2014

Airline Division Week In Review - June 8, 2014

SWA Material Specialist Contract Negotiations Update 
Contract Negotiations for SWA Materials Specialists continued in Dallas this week with the Negotiating Committee, along with Local Union Business Agents and Airline Division Representatives meeting outside of negotiations on June 2nd to work on Article 4 (Classifications). The Committee also discussed the Letters of Agreement, Letters of Intent and Notes of Negotiation attached to the CBA.  
Direct negotiations with the Company continued on June 3rd and 4th. The Union made a counter proposal on Article 4 – (Classifications). The Company agreed to the union proposal on Article 9 – (Seniority) resulting in another T/A, bringing the total number of Articles T/A’d to date to ten. 
Dates for the next round of talks are currently under discussion.  

Airline Industry News 
Governmental and Regulatory 
Last week, the Federal Aviation Administration launched 50 new air traffic control procedures at the Houston Metroplex, bringing the area one step closer to the planned NextGen satellite control system.

Airlines, Industry and Labor 
Jeff Smisek, the CEO of United Continental Holdings, said the carrier plans to reduce debt and boost earnings before issuing dividends to shareholders. Smisek spoke at a Deutsche Bank conference, and also commented on pilot rest rules and air service to smaller markets.  
Boeing is considering building a Dreamlifter Operations Center at the airport in Wichita, Kan., which is home to supplier Spirit AeroSystems. The center would modify 747s with 787 forward fuselages built by Spirit. 
Delta Air Lines plans to streamline the process for Endeavor pilots to be hired at Delta. Under a new program, Endeavor pilots can be hired by Delta without an additional interview process.

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