Wednesday, April 11, 2012

System Steering Negotiating Committee Meeting Scheduled

On April 23rd, Charlie Alferio and I will be attending a System Steering Negotiating Committee meeting in Chicago. The purpose of this meeting is to begin the process of moving forward in an effort to achieve a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA). I anticipate this first meeting to be more of a meet and greet along with outlining a collection of data strategy moving forward. The Company will not be present at these meetings, only rank and file representatives from around the system.

Because this is the beginning of the negotiation process, I urge you to start thinking about ideas and proposals for the new Joint CBA. You can do so by using the contract proposal sheet, you can find it here. The ideas and proposals you place on this sheet are what I will bring to the steering committee meetings, and where they will be collected and sorted through. It is out of these meetings an opening proposal is usually born. Please fill out the sheet, and either give them to your Shop Steward, myself, or you can leave them in my file cabinet folder next to the Hangar 2 time clocks. It is not imperative to have them by filled out by April 23rd, but the longer you wait, the more likely you will forget.

As the negotiating process unfolds, the System Steering Committee will play a vital roll in sharing information with the members.
I anticipate sharing that information through the email process, updates on the Union bulletin boards, and through the Cleveland Tech Ops blog site. If you have any questions, please contact me.

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