Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 17, 2012 – Local Union Representatives to hold second meeting with Ralph Berger

The purpose of this meeting will be to provide historical documentation from previous mergers and to get Mr. Berger’s schedule to begin meetings with rank and file members of the committee. Mr. Berger requested this second meeting without the member committee so the individual Locals can outline what the individual station "integration committees" have been researching and working on. As previous updates have detailed, arbitrator Berger has been retained to assist the National Seniority Integration Committee during the process with any questions or concerns. Arbitrator Berger is very accomplished and has a wealth of experience in merging seniority lists. In the first meeting Mr. Berger expressed his desire to have as much information available to him so he can have a good understanding of what is ahead before meeting and formally starting the National Seniority Integration Committee, made up of one member from each of the largest cities.

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