Monday, April 2, 2012

Mechanics Dispatch March 31, 2012

The Airline Division is committed to providing the membership with up to date information about the merger process.  Below are the important developments that occurred over the past week.

The Resource Utilization Letter which provides the membership with greater leverage was finalized.  Last week, we distributed a FAQs sheet to address questions about the Resource Utilization Letter. To view it, go to under the “Weekly Dispatch” button.

Mechanics and Related at sub CMI now have a Tentative Agreement. The work rules and economics are in line with both the sub CO and sub UA agreements. A bullet point update has been released to this group. After it is checked for editing errors, the full tentative agreement will be made available.

The AD addressed training issues with company leadership.  Last week on the Chief Steward call, concerns regarding peer to peer OJT were raised. According to the company, training will be done a majority of the time by either same subsidiary hourly workers or members of management. In smaller cities where these resources are not available, other means of providing the training will be used.

System/Joint Board hearings continue on schedule.  A sub UA Joint Board session was held in Denver on March 29th. Due to the nature of the case, only one grievance was heard for this session. The next Joint Board will be an all day session held in Chicago on Aril 25th. The next System Board hearings for sub CO will be an all day session held April 10th in Newark.

Local Union and AD Representatives will hold preliminary meeting with Ralph Berger to discuss seniority integration on April 17th in Miami. The purpose of this meeting will be to provide historical documentation from previous mergers and to get Mr. Berger’s schedule to begin meetings with rank and file members of the committee. Mr. Berger requested this second meeting without the member committee so the individual Locals can outline what the individual station "integration committees" have been researching and working on i.e. different seniority integration systems/procedures used in other cases, laws and documents they feel apply to the process, etc. Mr. Berger expressed his desire to have as much information available to him so he can have a good understanding of what is ahead before meeting and formally starting the "National Seniority Integration" committee, made up of one member from each of the largest cities.

Furloughed members urged to update their addresses. Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent. If you are in touch with a furloughed member, please forward this information to them. Updates may be emailed to: . The ESC will provide a fax number and ask members to send the address change accompanied with a signature.

Useful links If you would like to see a link added to this list please contact Bob Fisher at:  The following Locals represent these respective cities:
Airline Mechanics Forum: Airline Mechanics forum (This is a good place to discuss merger-related items)
The following Locals represent these respective cities:
Boston: Local 25
New York & Washington: Local 210
Charleston & Atlanta: Local 528
Miami & Orlando: Local 769
Cleveland: Local 964
Chicago: Local 781
Houston, Dallas & New Orleans: Local 19
Phoenix: Local 104
Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Hawaii & Guam: Local 986
San Francisco: Local 856/986
Denver: Local 455

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