Friday, November 15, 2013

Special Mechanics Dispatch - November 14, 2013

UAL Mechanics Special Update November 14, 2013

Yesterday the leadership of the IBT informed the company that the resource utilization letter has terminated. This was done at 2pm EST via conference which was held over the phone. The company leadership disagreed with the union's position and requested the matter be resolved using the expedited arbitration process. The parties are now in the process of scheduling this hearing. While the arbitration process unfolds members are advised to file grievances when assigned to tasks that violate the integration of maintenance operations. All members are advised to perform assigned tasks and grieve when the task is complete. Do not become a target for discipline by refusing an order to do this work. Copies of the letter requesting conference to terminate the letter and the company's response can be found here:

Letter to Doug McKeen
Company's Response

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