Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Negotiations Update For November 8, 2013

Mechanics Dispatch - Negotiations Update November 7, 2013

The committee met this week in an attempt to finalize the joint CBA. The company presented a comprehensive proposal early in the week that the union rejected.  
Tonight the union gave its comprehensive final proposal to the company. It did so after working shoulder-to-shoulder with its financial, legal and actuarial experts to develop a contract that meets the members’ needs while satisfying the company’s objectives.  In less than a half an hour, the Company rejected the Union’s proposal and stated that the proposal was significantly more expensive than it could afford.  The Company also advised that it will apply for formal NMB mediation tonight.  The Company’s filing this evening will bring to an end 10-months of intense, direct negotiations facilitated by the NMB under a special process that the Company had asked the Union and the NMB to participate in. The purpose of the facilitated process was for securing a mutually agreed upon collective bargaining agreement on an expedited basis.  The company also informed the committee this evening that they would be filing for mediation. 
The committee is deeply disappointed at the outcome, as it was our hope to reach a consensual agreement through direct negotiations. We remain ready to meet at any time and at any place to finalize this agreement in a manner that will best reward the membership for its hard work.  
The NMB worked tirelessly with both the Union and the Company to reach such an agreement.  NMB Representatives who have worked with the parties throughout direct negotiations have committed to continue working with the parties while in formal mediation and have expressed their hope that a mutually satisfactory agreement can be reached. 
The committee would like to remind the membership that the only official source of negotiations information will be from the negotiating committee, the Division or your Local Representatives.  Please do not fall victim to rumors and stay tuned for further updates.
What follows is Cheiron's (the IBT's third party actuaries for Health and Welfare issues) report highlighting two groups as a sample base. The 12 and 20 year technician at both subsidiaries. The Company's posted proposal revealing a all in wage rate of $40.85 would be for a technician with 30 or more years (approx. 3-4% of our membership).
The report details how that hourly wage quickly deteriorates when taking into account the rest of the Company's proposal (longevity scale, step increase scale, increase in medical costs to sUAL, elimination of lifetime recall, elimination of bridge retiree, elimination of line pay for a large group not working on the line, etc.).
While some employees would be realizing a minimal increase to their wage rates many would be realizing decreases to their wage rates under the carriers proposal. 

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