Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mechanics Dispatch For October 28, 2013

Benefits Grievance Update

On Friday, an et al (“and others”) benefits grievance was filed in regards to the unilateral changes imposed by the company. A copy of this grievance will soon be posted on line, until that happens, your chief steward or business agent will have a copy for your review.
Business Agent and Chief Steward Training

The Division will be scheduling a training class for Business Agents and Chief Stewards who present grievances at the joint/system board level. The class will be a refresher course for most, but will provide valuable information to those new to the process. The focus of the class will be on the preparation and presentation techniques required to be successful at this step of the grievance process.
Negotiations Update

The parties will reconvene on November 4th in Chicago in an attempt to finalize the joint collective bargaining agreement. The parties will be assisted by Senior Mediator Pat Sims and Mediator Michael Kelleher from the NMB.

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