Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Airline Division Week In Review - September 28, 2013

Preparation Begins for Next Round of UAL Negotiations 

Union bargaining committee members convened at Local 19’s union hall in Houston this past week to discuss strategy as they prepare to meet with United Airlines in negotiations on October 7th
The negotiators received a briefing from Attorney Ed Gleason on Scope and open Article One items, and were also given a presentation by Ms. Gaelle Gravot, an actuary from Cheiron, on benefit issues. She also discussed the unilateral changes to medical benefits by United as well as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), how it affects current and future medical plans as well as a strategy for negotiating a comprehensive benefits package for members.  
Other topics discussed included grievance activity for scope violations regarding the APU teams on the ramp side and how they affect negotiating strategy, COLA, and issues surrounding United’s wish to implement the use of the Utility Specialist Classification; especially in the Facilities Maintenance and GSE classifications. Local 210 Business Agent Ralph Salzano briefed the committee on the current status of proposals made previously to the carrier and gave a comprehensive overview of items that have been agreed to in principal, and open items in each article that require resolution during the coming round of talks. 
The team will convene on October 7th in Phoenix, Arizona for their first face to face discussions with United since early June.  In an update to their members, the Committee also extended their thanks and gratitude to Local 19 Principal Officer Bob Clever as well as the Officers and staff for their hospitality and the use of their facilities for the meetings throughout the week.  

UAL APU Burn Team Grievance 

In preparation for an expected arbitration case regarding the APU Burn Team a fill in form has been created. This form will collect relevant data in regards to ramp/fleet service personnel performing the work of mechanics in violation of the scope of the agreement. Here is a link to the form: 
Members input is extremely important and the union has requested that anyone with questions about this grievance or the form please contact their chief steward. 

NetJets Technicians and Related 

The NetJets Negotiating Committee and Company negotiators continued discussions on September 25th. The session consisted of discussions surrounding Article 8 - (Grievance Procedure), 9 – (Board of Arbitration), 12 – (Jury Duty), 13 – (Funeral Leave), 18 – (401K), 19 – (Safety and Health), 23 – (Moving Expenses), 34 – (Prisoner and Hostage) and 35 – (Tuition Assistance).  
The Company made counter proposals on Articles 8, 9, 12, 13, 23, and provided and opening proposal on Article 18 – (401K); with the union countering on Articles 12, 13, and 23.  
Tentative Agreements were reached on, Articles 19 – (Safety and Health) and 34 – (Prisoner and Hostage).
The committee also met on September 24th and 26th work on Article 32 – (Hours of Service) and 8 – (Grievance Procedure). The parties are in discussions on setting dates for the next round of talks.

Piedmont Negotiations Update 

Negotiations resumed on Monday, September 23rd and concluded on Thursday, September 26th.  The discussions and proposals passed were on Compensation and Benefits. 
Both sides passed proposals and a great deal of time was spent examining the impact and true costs and effects of the proposals to the membership. 
Negotiations will resume on October 28th. 

Airline Industry News 

Governmental and Regulatory 

Some stakeholders are having discussions on privatizing air-traffic control functions because of recent budget cuts and concerns over funding NextGen, according to the General Accountability Office.  
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has extended Lockheed Martin’s contract to enhance air traffic management technology that enables safe and efficient travel within US-controlled airspace over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 
The U.S. Justice Department said American Airlines and US Airways should not see documents on the agency's internal analysis of previously approved airline mergers.  

Airlines, Labor and Industry 

Boeing on Friday issued layoff notices to 447 employees across the company, 266 of them in Western Washington. 
Boeing Co. said it's introducing a suite of mobile applications for the iPad to help airplane maintenance technicians with their jobs.

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