Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Airline Division Week In Review For October 28, 2013

UAL Negotiations Update 
The parties will reconvene on November 4th in Chicago in an attempt to finalize the joint collective bargaining agreement. The parties will be assisted by Senior Mediator Pat Sims and Mediator Michael Kelleher from the NMB. 
On Friday, an et al., (“and others”) benefits grievance was filed by the union regarding the unilateral changes imposed by the company. Chief Stewards and the Business Agent will have a copy for members to review and it will be posted electronically.

NetJets Technicians and Related Discussions  
Prior to a scheduled meeting with the company, the Negotiating Committee met on October 22ndand 23rd to discuss and work on proposals for Articles 7- (Union Representation), 8 – (Grievance Procedure) and 9 – (Arbitration). 
Discussions between the NetJets Negotiating Committee and Company continued on October 24th. The negotiating session focused on Article 7 – (Union Representation), 12 – (Jury Duty), 13 – (Funeral Leave), 16 – (Holidays), 23 – (Moving Expenses), 25 – (Sick Leave), and 35 – (Tuition Assistance). 
The Union made a proposal on Article 23 – (Moving Expenses). The Company made counter proposals on Articles 12, 13 and 35 and provided opening proposals on Articles 7, 16 and 25, and after discussion the parties reached a Tentative Agreement on Article 23 – (Moving Expenses).  
The Union and the Company are currently discussing dates for the next round of talks. 

Captain Charles “Butch” Downs Passes Away. “He will be sorely missed,” says ExCo Chairman 
Captain Charles Henry ‘Butch’ Downs, 69, formerly a pilot for Cape Air (Local 1224) passed away peacefully Saturday, October 19, 2013 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
A Martha’s Vineyard native, he was born in Oak Bluffs and raised in Edgartown, Massachusetts. He dedicated his life to being a pilot, having been taught to fly at the age of 13. At 16, he enlisted in the Air Force and served two tours of duty as a Ranch-Hand in the Vietnam War. An honored veteran; his C-123, “Patches,” holds the distinction of being the second most shot at airplane during the Viet Nam war - currently sits at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.  
The love of flying stayed with him after his service. He had a long and varied flying career that led him around the world and culminated in nearly two decades as a pilot for Edgartown Air, which later became Cape Air. He often told his son that his favorite thing about flying was watching the sun rise and set from thousands of feet above the earth.
Butch was also integral to many aspects of the Island. He worked as an AB for the Steamship Authority, had a (very brief) career as Duke’s County Deputy Sheriff, was past commander of the VFW, and was a pioneer in swordfish spotting – his fishing buddies always appreciated his expert eye in the sky from his Piper Cub. He also played the guitar and banjo, and loved the natural beauty and history of the Island. He has amassed a vast collection of found native artifacts including his prized Woolly mammoth’s tooth.
Those who knew him all agreed that he was a rare mixture of true husband, father, son, brother and friend. He wouldn’t hesitate to give you a piece of his mind – but he would also be the first person to give you the shirt off his back. 
“Butch was the best,” said Cape Air ExCo Chairman Marilyn Rhude. “He was a tremendous pilot and a great friend to everyone who had the fortune to know him and he had a wicked sense of humor that was legendary. His passing leaves a great void in the Cape Air family that won’t be easily filled. He will be sorely missed,” she concluded.
Captain Downs is survived by his loving family and would have celebrated his thirty-first wedding anniversary with his wife Carolyn on October 28th. He was a caring father to his son, Captain Andy Downs and his daughter-in-law, Valerie. He was also a loving, loyal and devoted ‘big’ brother to John Downs and his wife, Kathleen as well as a proud uncle and great-uncle.
His graveside service with full military honors was held on Wednesday, October 23rd.

Airline Industry News 

Governmental and Regulatory 
The government shutdown was "extraordinarily disruptive" to aviation safety, the FAA's chief said Thursday.
The Federal Aviation Administration said the government shutdown has delayed new rules for use of passenger electronic devices. FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said the agency will focus on safety issues first before turning its attention to expanding the use of electronic devices during flights.  
Mayors of six major cities have written a letter to the Department of Justice asking the agency to drop its antitrust lawsuit against a proposed merger between US Airways and American Airlines. "We support the merger of American and US Airways because it is based on growth which benefits consumers and our communities," the letter said.  

Airlines, Labor and Industry 
Analysts predict a rosy future for U.S. airline earnings as airlines keep a close eye on capacity and fly more fuel-efficient planes. "The airlines are poised to show a good year overall for 2013," said Henry Harteveldt, a travel analyst.  
Twenty-six chambers of commerce, from U.S. cities as well as states, have sent the Justice Department a letter urging the agency to settle over the proposed US Airways-American Airlines merger.  
Airbus has not booked and orders for its A380 this year, and is considering trimming production, but will keep the design of the jumbo jet.  
National Mediation Board rules require the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association to wait one year before attempting to organize American Airlines mechanics.  
The upcoming expiration of the Wright Amendment could spark an airfare war in Texas.

Mechanics Dispatch For October 28, 2013

Benefits Grievance Update

On Friday, an et al (“and others”) benefits grievance was filed in regards to the unilateral changes imposed by the company. A copy of this grievance will soon be posted on line, until that happens, your chief steward or business agent will have a copy for your review.
Business Agent and Chief Steward Training

The Division will be scheduling a training class for Business Agents and Chief Stewards who present grievances at the joint/system board level. The class will be a refresher course for most, but will provide valuable information to those new to the process. The focus of the class will be on the preparation and presentation techniques required to be successful at this step of the grievance process.
Negotiations Update

The parties will reconvene on November 4th in Chicago in an attempt to finalize the joint collective bargaining agreement. The parties will be assisted by Senior Mediator Pat Sims and Mediator Michael Kelleher from the NMB.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Negotiations Update for October 14, 2013

Negotiations resumed the week of October 7th with the company in Phoenix, Arizona. Both parties engaged in an effort to narrow issues in order to reach a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA).  
The week began with a presentation from United on the highlights of the TA for IAM represented employees, brief preparations of the committee by representatives of the Airline Division, and an article by article review of open items.  An overview of benefits information was given by Gaelle Gavotte of Cheiron, who represents the actuary, and established a baseline for continued talks regarding benefits including medical, dental , vision care, flexible spending accounts (FSA), and healthcare spending accounts (HSA, VEBA).  The committee was also briefed on United’s current financial situation as it relates to the industry at large and competitors by the group’s financial analyst Dan Akins.   
Members from the ranks of the Flight Simulator Technicians and Engineering Groups on sCO and sUA discussed their integration into our agreement. The union committee was given a presentation by the FST’s regarding the supplemental changes needed to integrate these groups into the mechanic’s agreement.  Recently, NMB ruled that the FST group is a standalone craft and class and an election was held where the two subsidiary groups chose the IBT as their representative.  The sUA group has been a part of the agreement since the 1969 agreement. 
Negotiations continued through the week with progress being made to close out several articles with open items from the previous round of talks.  The committee will next meet with United in Chicago for the week of November 4th to continue negotiations. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Airline Division Week In Review - September 28, 2013

Preparation Begins for Next Round of UAL Negotiations 

Union bargaining committee members convened at Local 19’s union hall in Houston this past week to discuss strategy as they prepare to meet with United Airlines in negotiations on October 7th
The negotiators received a briefing from Attorney Ed Gleason on Scope and open Article One items, and were also given a presentation by Ms. Gaelle Gravot, an actuary from Cheiron, on benefit issues. She also discussed the unilateral changes to medical benefits by United as well as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), how it affects current and future medical plans as well as a strategy for negotiating a comprehensive benefits package for members.  
Other topics discussed included grievance activity for scope violations regarding the APU teams on the ramp side and how they affect negotiating strategy, COLA, and issues surrounding United’s wish to implement the use of the Utility Specialist Classification; especially in the Facilities Maintenance and GSE classifications. Local 210 Business Agent Ralph Salzano briefed the committee on the current status of proposals made previously to the carrier and gave a comprehensive overview of items that have been agreed to in principal, and open items in each article that require resolution during the coming round of talks. 
The team will convene on October 7th in Phoenix, Arizona for their first face to face discussions with United since early June.  In an update to their members, the Committee also extended their thanks and gratitude to Local 19 Principal Officer Bob Clever as well as the Officers and staff for their hospitality and the use of their facilities for the meetings throughout the week.  

UAL APU Burn Team Grievance 

In preparation for an expected arbitration case regarding the APU Burn Team a fill in form has been created. This form will collect relevant data in regards to ramp/fleet service personnel performing the work of mechanics in violation of the scope of the agreement. Here is a link to the form: 
Members input is extremely important and the union has requested that anyone with questions about this grievance or the form please contact their chief steward. 

NetJets Technicians and Related 

The NetJets Negotiating Committee and Company negotiators continued discussions on September 25th. The session consisted of discussions surrounding Article 8 - (Grievance Procedure), 9 – (Board of Arbitration), 12 – (Jury Duty), 13 – (Funeral Leave), 18 – (401K), 19 – (Safety and Health), 23 – (Moving Expenses), 34 – (Prisoner and Hostage) and 35 – (Tuition Assistance).  
The Company made counter proposals on Articles 8, 9, 12, 13, 23, and provided and opening proposal on Article 18 – (401K); with the union countering on Articles 12, 13, and 23.  
Tentative Agreements were reached on, Articles 19 – (Safety and Health) and 34 – (Prisoner and Hostage).
The committee also met on September 24th and 26th work on Article 32 – (Hours of Service) and 8 – (Grievance Procedure). The parties are in discussions on setting dates for the next round of talks.

Piedmont Negotiations Update 

Negotiations resumed on Monday, September 23rd and concluded on Thursday, September 26th.  The discussions and proposals passed were on Compensation and Benefits. 
Both sides passed proposals and a great deal of time was spent examining the impact and true costs and effects of the proposals to the membership. 
Negotiations will resume on October 28th. 

Airline Industry News 

Governmental and Regulatory 

Some stakeholders are having discussions on privatizing air-traffic control functions because of recent budget cuts and concerns over funding NextGen, according to the General Accountability Office.  
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has extended Lockheed Martin’s contract to enhance air traffic management technology that enables safe and efficient travel within US-controlled airspace over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 
The U.S. Justice Department said American Airlines and US Airways should not see documents on the agency's internal analysis of previously approved airline mergers.  

Airlines, Labor and Industry 

Boeing on Friday issued layoff notices to 447 employees across the company, 266 of them in Western Washington. 
Boeing Co. said it's introducing a suite of mobile applications for the iPad to help airplane maintenance technicians with their jobs.