Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mechanics Dispatch for June 6, 2012

Contract Proposals Reminder
Locals are currently accepting proposals for the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement. Please see your Steward or Business Agent to receive a proposal form. The Airline Division has a proposal form available online as a backup which can be accessed at Proposals must be completed by June 15th so that the Steering Committee has time to prepare for their meeting July 9th. The System Steering Committee is scheduled to meet in SFO the week of July 9th, in IAH the week of July 16th and in DEN the week of July 30th. During these sessions, your System Steering Committee will be taking members’ proposals and incorporating them into an opening proposal format.

Paper Certificates expire March 31, 2013.
All paper certificate holders cannot exercise the privileges of their PAPER certificates after March 31, 2013. This includes all certificates that are issued under 14 CFR Part 63 and 65. 14 CFR 63.15(d) and 65.15(d) reads: Duration of Certificates. Except for temporary certificates issued under §63.15 and 65.15, the holder of a paper certificate issued under this part may not exercise the privileges of that certificate after March 31, 2013. To Change your certificate number from your SSN and request a replacement, click here: To replace your Airmen Certificate, click here: NOTE: If your flight engineer or flight navigator certificate was issued on the basis of a foreign license under 14 CFR Part 63.23, you must first apply for a verification of authenticity of your foreign license. You may visit our website for more information and to obtain the verification form. Your foreign license must first be verified with the CM
prior to making application with the IFO or FSDO to replace your paper certificate. If your airman certificate was issued after July 2003 and is a plastic certificate, it already meets the paper to plastic rule as specified in 14 CFR Parts 63 and 65 and you may disregard this notification.

Sub UA GSE/Facilities Committee Meets 
Last week members of the sub UA GSE/Facilities Committee met with Ray Ames and managers from the largest hubs to discuss items relating to the new CBA. Items discussed involved payroll issues, facilities insourcing opportunities as well as the bidding of ground equipment/facilities machinists and welders. An agreement was reached to open bids for ground equipment and facilities machinists and welders at the meeting. More details will follow in the coming weeks regarding these positions. Scott Baroni (Local 781), Allen Cosides (Local 210), Dion Cornelious and Greg Sullivan (Local 986) Ken Meidinger (Local 455), Business Agent Dave Elmore, and Division Representative Bob Fisher were in attendance for the Union.

Notice from Local 210 Regarding 757 Engine Runs 
The following notice was issued by Local 210. The advice contained in the notice applies to all 757 run-up mechanics. Recently it has been brought to the Union’s attention that the Company is considering mechanics that are taxi/run qualified on 757 aircraft with Rolls Royce (RR) engines to also be qualified on 757 aircraft with Pratt and Whitney (PW) engines. This has caused great concern and angst with the membership. The Company has taken the position that as long as you use the proper checklists and maintenance manual references you are OK to taxi/run both. A MSAP was filed by our Local UAL safety representative and the response was, in part, that a “Fleet” type is a term donating a group, not a specific aircraft engine combination. For example, the 757 aircraft is certified (type certificate) with multiple engine combinations (RR, PW) as a single fleet. All similar fleet types have been examined for physical and procedural differences to validate, or not, the grandfathering process. Findings yield no significant differences that can’t be mitigated with existing controls and mechanisms already in place. Those controls are the mechanics checklists, the controlled manual system, and the policies. With that being said, if at any time an AMT is not comfortable with their ability to perform any assignment, it is imperative that they bring this to the attention of the supervisor and request assistance or reassignment. We urge all members to err towards the side of caution. Make sure you take the time to review the proper procedures (engine start, parameters, etc.) before hastily performing a taxi/engine run on the 757 aircraft. Thank you for your time and if you have any questions feel free to contact the Union office.

Best Wishes to Early Out Participants at sub UA
If you were to ask a retiring sub UAL mechanic what he will miss the most, he would likely say the people. And those that remain regret seeing a few hundred fellow coworkers, and their accumulative years of experience, leave. During their average thirty years of cumulative service at United Airlines, the retirees have worked directly on or a sub assembly of the 727-100, 200 series, the first productions of the 747-100, the 737-100,200,300 and 500 series, the original and the reengineered Douglas DC-8s, and the DC-10s. All that remains of these great era aircraft which have been relegated to the boneyard are the wonderful people who spent their adult lives caring for them. These are the people that took the time to show us the way just as they had been shown. They helped fuel the fire of pride inside us-- the pride of being a United Airlines mechanic. These are the people that helped fight for the wages and benefits we all enjoy today. These people are our brothers and sisters who set an example for us by always conducting themselves professionally. We owe them all a huge debt of gratitude. From all of us that remain to continue the fight, we will miss you and wish you the very best in your retirement.

National AMT Day May 24th was national AMT day.
SFO Chief Steward Engine Shop, Steve Anderson, sent along the following: “Charles E. Taylor was born on May 24, 1868. After settling in Ohio he grew into a career as a machinist. By designing, fabricating and repairing the first aircraft engine, he became the first aircraft mechanic. While working in a bicycle shop, Charles used the shops lathe, drill press and grinder to build an aluminum block engine which only weighed 180 pounds and produced 12 horse power. Created in only six weeks, this engine became the historic first aeroplane flown by the Wright Brothers in 1903. Charles died in 1956 at the age of 88, sharing the date with Orville Wright.” Please remember it this way: "The Wright Brothers made the glider but Charles E. Taylor made the glider an Aeroplane."

Furloughed members urged to update their addresses.
Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent. If you are in touch with a furloughed member, please forward this information to them. Updates may be emailed to: . The ESC will provide a fax number and ask members to send the address change accompanied with a signature.

Useful links
If you would like to see a link added to this list please contact Bob Fisher at: Airline Mechanics Forum Airline Mechanics forum (This is a good place to discuss merger related items) The following Locals represent these respective cities: Boston Local 25 New York & Washington Local 210 Charleston & Atlanta Local 528 Miami & Orlando Local 769 Cleveland Local 964 Chicago Local 781 Houston, Dallas & New Orleans Local 19 Phoenix Local 104 Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Hawaii & Guam Local 986 San Francisco Local 856/986 Denver Local 455

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