Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Airline Division Week In Review June 3, 2012

Airline Industry News
Government and Industry
The Federal Aviation Administration plans to meet with the National Air Traffic Controllers Association over a plan to consolidate air traffic control towers -- nine days before the plan is due to Congress…President Barack Obama on Wednesday signed the bill renewing the charter of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. "As long as our global competitors are providing financing for their exports, we've got to do the same," Obama said before he signed the bill.
The U.S. has reached agreements to recognize European Union and Canadian security procedures for screening air cargo…The Federal Aviation Administration was scheduled to hold a public meeting this week for input on offering incentives to outfit aircraft with NextGen equipment. The incentives would apply to commercial and general aviation aircraft.
Airlines and Industry
EADS, the parent company of Airbus, may apply for a banking license to ensure that the European company can continue to offer financing for its aircraft, the company says.
AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines, this week will begin mediation supervised by a bankruptcy court with its unions…US Airways Group and TPG, a private investment firm, are considering a joint bid to buy American Airlines' parent company, AMR Corp., sources say.
A lawsuit by the former TWA pilots against American is unfounded, the pilots union says.

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