Monday, February 13, 2012

Mechanics Dispatch for February 10, 2012

Compliance Concerns
Members are advised to use an abundance of caution regarding compliance with maintenance manuals and other controlled documents. There have been several issues across the system of non-compliance and it appears the FAA is increasing its presence in several cities. When caught up in a compliance issue make sure to file an MSAP/ASAP report as soon as possible. Your flight safety rep or steward should be able to guide you through the process. The License Protection Program is a great safety net; but it's designed to be just that, a safety net.
Please don't rush through a job without reading the proper paperwork; otherwise you open yourself up to possible discipline and potential license action.
Division and Locals Attend Denver Steward Training
On February 2nd and 3rd Local 455 hosted a joint Steward and Management training session on the new sub United collective bargaining agreement. A panel of Business Agents and International Representatives explained the interpretations of the new language to the audience while fielding clarifying questions. Prior to the session the Stewards put together a list of frequently asked questions which aided conversation over the two day seminar. Grievance Committee Chairman Mitch Hunt kept the meeting on track and was aided by Committee Secretary Scott Brown. Bill Langan - GQ Shop Steward said, this was valuable training because it helped me to understand the contract in layman’s terms.”
A special thanks to Steve Vairma, Principal Officer of Local 455 for hosting the event, and also to Business Agent John Hennelly for his work behind the scene and for making sure the panel made it to the sessions.
The panel members were Business Agents Ralph Salzano - Local 210 and Dave Elmore - Local 986, and International Representatives Clacy Griswold and Bob Fisher.
Attending for the Union were; Mitch Hunt, Scott Brown, Don Ramsey, Ken Meidinger, Jon Burton, Vic Austin, Mike Brooks, Ron Campbell, Glen Nilson, Kevin Zunker, Ron Clanton, Saied Foroutun, John Lambert, Tony Malleck, John Dwyer, Bill Langan, Mark Kulachkosky, Bruce Rowe, Mark Brocklander, Sam Kaleikini-Wolfe, Mike Romero, Mike Donofrio, Pete Angelos, Rick Olsen. The company was represented by Nick Accardi, Andy Alsdorf, Tom Willey, Bob Amundsen, Gary Dyer and John Weakland.

Larry Calhoun, JFK Grievance Coordinator forwarded the following information regarding expense reports that should help get expense reports reimbursed or a more expeditious manner.
Paper expense reports will no longer be accepted. All expenses, and hotel reservations, must be made thru the Ariba Expense Report system available thru the “Flying Together” page.
The following link will show you how to add Ariba training to your intranet site: December/111201 2aribaexpense.jsp **Once the below steps are completed, it will take approximately 7 days for you to be able to access the system**
First step is you must have Expense Report Direct Deposit:
1.    Flying Together page
2.    Employee Services
3.    All about me
4.    Direct deposit
5.    Add
Second step is you must take the online web "Ariba Expense Reporting Lesson" Online Steps to do it.
1.    Flying Together Page
2.    Employee Services
3.    United Learning Network
4.    In Search Box, type "Ariba"
5.    When link opens, choose "Ariba Expense Reporting Lesson"

Furloughed Members Urged to Keep In Touch
Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent. If you are in touch with a furloughed member please forward this information to them.
Updates may be emailed to:  Useful Links
Several members, including those on furlough status, have requested links to Local websites be added to this section. The following Locals represent these respective cities:
Airline Mechanics Forum Airline Mechanics forum
Boston Local 25
New York & Washington Local 210
Charleston & Atlanta Local 528
Miami & Orlando Local 769
Cleveland Local 964
Chicago Local 781
Houston, Dallas & New Orleans Local 19
Phoenix Local 104
Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Hawaii & Guam Local 856/986
Denver Local 455

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