Monday, February 13, 2012

Airline Division Week In Review for February 12, 2012

Division Director Meets with Cape Air ExCo, Pilots to Discuss New Agreement
This week; Airline Division Director David Bourne joined with International Representative Scott Hegland to meet with the Cape Air ExCo and pilots at contract roadshows in Hyannis, Massachusetts to discuss the new Tentative Agreement and answer questions about the Division.
“I am very proud of the way that the ExCo and Negotiating Committee worked to craft their Tentative Agreement,” said Division Director David Bourne. “The opportunity to come and speak directly to their members confirms my belief that Cape Air is a unique operation and their pilots are indeed a unique group. The leadership and concern shown by ExCo Chairman Captain Marilyn Rhude and her team has been exceptional,” he went on to say. “They are a tremendous asset to their airline and to the Teamsters.”

UAL CAL Principal Officers and Business Agents Meet, Plan for the Future
On Friday February 10th, the Principal Officers and Business Agents from around the UAL and CAL system met to chart the course forward through the merger for all three represented groups. Items discussed included the size and scope of the rank and file seniority integration, steering and bargaining committees.
In addition to the size of the above committees there were discussions of outside experts being retained to assist with the merger process.
Arbitrator Ralph Berger has been retained to assist the seniority integration committee during the process. “Arbitrator Berger is very accomplished and brings a wealth of experience in merging seniority lists,” said International representative Bob Fisher. “He will be a valuable asset to the process of seniority integration.”
A Benefits Review Committee, comprised of rank and file members from sub-CO and sub- UA groups has already been working with an outside expert to discuss pension and healthcare.
“As the union continues towards the negotiation of the agreement, input from the membership will be a key component,” said Fisher. “Members will be asked for feedback through proposals and bargaining surveys and are encouraged to also continually share their thoughts with members of the various committees throughout the process. The input from our members and committees will be very important as we press ahead for an acceptable agreement,” he went on to say. “I encourage our members to continue to watch for updates and stay informed through their Local and in the UALMechanics Dispatch on the website,” he concluded.

Airline Industry News
Governmental and Regulatory
Legislation approved by the Senate on Monday will require the Transportation Security Administration to consider applications from private screening companies. The TSA last year froze the number of airports where it allowed private screeners. The lack of an increase in Passenger Facilities Charges in the new FAA funding measure is seen as a loss for airports

Airlines and Labor
Pinnacle Airlines has amended agreements with Continental Airlines and United Airlines as a step toward averting bankruptcy…Republic Airways Holdings has found potential buyers for subsidiary Frontier Airlines, said Republic CEO Bryan Bedford.
AMR Corp. intends to emerge from bankruptcy this year without merging with another company, at which time it may consider an acquisition, CEO Tom Horton says…The Transport Workers Union is planning to prepare a counterproposal for American Airlines by next week…US Airways and its flight attendants have reached a tentative deal after
five years of negotiations…Air Canada pilots could vote to go on strike this week.

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