Monday, February 27, 2012

Airline Mechanics Forum

 If anyone is interested, there is a mechanics forum site that allow us an opportunity to speak our minds. This site is not just for CAL techs, but has a section exclusive for the merger; it's entitled United Continental Holdings. The site can be found here at Airline Mechanics Forum

You need to register to have access and to post. It is free and you can stay anonymous.

Airline Division Week In Review - February 26, 2012

Cape Air Leadership Goes the Extra Miles for its Members
Half a world away is not too far when it comes to representing Teamsters. This past week, Cape Air ExCo Chairman Captain Marilyn Rhude and Captains Aaron Tweeten and Yoshi Murata set out from Boston to meet with Teamster pilots at Cape Air’s most distant base on the island of Guam in the Western Pacific ocean. As part of the roadshows to explain their first contract and answer questions face to face with members around their system, the group left and flew first to Japan, before connecting and flying back eastward to Guam.
“It was a tremendous to go out and see our pilots on Guam,” said Captain Rhude. “It would have been very easy just to make a few calls out here, but this is too important. And for our pilots here, it is easy to feel that they are forgotten because of the distance involved. They’re not. They are a very important part of our crew force and more importantly, our Teamster family at Cape Air. Our not coming to Guam and meeting with them in person would have been unacceptable,” she went on to say.
Operating between Guam and the islands of Rota and Saipan, the Guam based crews are the only ones in the Cape Air system operating turbo prop aircraft. The rest of the fleet is comprised of Cessna 400 series piston twins, operating in the U.S. and Caribbean.

Airline Industry News

Governmental and Regulatory
President Barack Obama visited a Boeing 787 plant in Everett, Wash., last week. Obama said he would like Congress to continue funding an agency that handles national export credits. "As long as the playing field is level, you can compete with any worker, anywhere, anytime, in China, in Europe, it does not matter," he said. "If we have a level playing field, America will always win, because we have the best workers…The NTSB is calling for pilot seat and passenger cabin upgrades on Boeing 737’s…

Airline and Industry
UPS says it is still in talks with TNT Express about a merger. UPS had offered an unsolicited bid of $6.5 billion for the Dutch cargo carrier, which TNT rejected…not to be outdone, FedEx may submit a bit for TNT Express as well. "FedEx would benefit more from buying TNT because they're not as big in Europe," said Kevin Sterling, an analyst at BB&T Capital Markets.
In Tulsa, Okla., the local Transport Workers Union has asked AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines, to encourage early retirement for workers. AMR, which filed for bankruptcy last year, could eliminate up to 2,100 jobs in Tulsa…however they will not furlough 500 flight attendants this spring as previously planned, the carrier says. The number of flight attendants who signed up for job-sharing or voluntary leave made the furloughs unnecessary. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants called the development "tremendous news for all of our members."
Despite weak domestic demand and ample supplies, oil prices are on the rise, thanks in large part to financial speculation, analysts say. "Speculation is now part of the DNA of oil prices. You cannot separate the two anymore. There is no demarcation," said Fadel Gheit, an analyst at Oppenheimer & Co. "I still remain convinced oil prices are inflated."
American Airlines will meet its goal of generating $1 billion in revenue by adding flights, Chief Commercial Officer Virasb Vahidi said. He said an order for up to 925 new planes, along with a possible change to the pilots' contract to permit more regional jet flying, would allow the carrier to add flights. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Airline Division Week in Review February 18, 2012

Cape Air Pilots Briefed on First Tentative Agreement
Members of the Cape Air ExCo and Negotiating Committee spent the week crisscrossing their system, meeting with membership to discuss their first Tentative Agreement. “With the structure of our airline, our crews are scattered quite a bit,” said ExCo Chairman Captain Marilyn Rhude. “Consequently, we want to get out in our system and give our pilots the opportunity to sit face to face and have their concerns addressed.”
Turnout has been good according to Rhude, although there were some misconceptions. One of the biggest was status quo. “While we wish it were the case, the “status quo” provisions of the RLA only apply to a group that already has a contract,” said Rhude. “In our case, while the company did not make take and arbitrary actions during our discussions, they did implement some long planned changes that gave the appearance of violating what was believed to be the status quo. While we did not fall under the provision, it nonetheless caused some confusion. We were fortunate enough to have solid support from the Airline Division while we were negotiating and were able to offset those changes,” she continued. “The good thing is that as our pilots begin to do the math, they see that over the life of the contract, they will be better off under the contract rates than under the previous program,” she concluded.
Meetings continue this week with stops in Baltimore and Albany, while part of the team heads out to brief pilots in their most distant base, Guam.
ExpressJet Negotiations Continue
Negotiations resumed on February 15th, with the Federal Mediator. A number of new proposals on four previously agreed to sections of the contract were made by management. The union made counter proposals on Health and Safety, with no agreement yet reached.
Commenting on the new proposals from management, Business Agent Bob Luciano said, “These sections have already been agreed. We will however, in good faith, review them and will respond appropriately.”
“We did make counter proposals on Health and Safety, however, nothing was finalized,” Luciano went on to say. “We are reluctant to say we reached tentative agreement, because the term does not seem meaningful to the company and we feel it’s important to note that the new proposals all involve eroding our current contract and at least one goes to the heart of how overtime is calculated. Nonetheless, our committee is committed to working to obtain the best agreement we can, for our members,” he concluded.
Negotiations resume on March 1st, in Baltimore, when the company will make an updated financial presentation.
Airline Industry News
Governmental and Regulatory
President Barack Obama signed a $63 billion bill into law that will fund the Federal Aviation Administration through 2015. Observers say the funding will speed up progress on a plan to replace the nation's outdated air traffic control system… Southwest can start using AirTran jets in its fleet once it receives federal approval, which is expected to be granted March 1…
Air Canada and its pilots union have agreed to an extended mediation period of six months, averting a strike by the pilots.
Airlines and Industry
The AMR Retirees Pension Protection Corp. has filed a motion for inclusion  on the committee of unsecured creditors for the AMR Corp. bankruptcy…Boeing said there will be room for "new competitors to be successful" in aircraft manufacturing over the next 20 years.
United Airlines and Continental Airlines are moving closer to officially becoming United as the merger of the carriers continues to proceed…A United Nations panel is calling for tougher inspections and detailed labeling of air shipments of lithium batteries following two incidents in which aircraft were destroyed when freight shipments burst into flames.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Airline Division Week In Review for February 12, 2012

Division Director Meets with Cape Air ExCo, Pilots to Discuss New Agreement
This week; Airline Division Director David Bourne joined with International Representative Scott Hegland to meet with the Cape Air ExCo and pilots at contract roadshows in Hyannis, Massachusetts to discuss the new Tentative Agreement and answer questions about the Division.
“I am very proud of the way that the ExCo and Negotiating Committee worked to craft their Tentative Agreement,” said Division Director David Bourne. “The opportunity to come and speak directly to their members confirms my belief that Cape Air is a unique operation and their pilots are indeed a unique group. The leadership and concern shown by ExCo Chairman Captain Marilyn Rhude and her team has been exceptional,” he went on to say. “They are a tremendous asset to their airline and to the Teamsters.”

UAL CAL Principal Officers and Business Agents Meet, Plan for the Future
On Friday February 10th, the Principal Officers and Business Agents from around the UAL and CAL system met to chart the course forward through the merger for all three represented groups. Items discussed included the size and scope of the rank and file seniority integration, steering and bargaining committees.
In addition to the size of the above committees there were discussions of outside experts being retained to assist with the merger process.
Arbitrator Ralph Berger has been retained to assist the seniority integration committee during the process. “Arbitrator Berger is very accomplished and brings a wealth of experience in merging seniority lists,” said International representative Bob Fisher. “He will be a valuable asset to the process of seniority integration.”
A Benefits Review Committee, comprised of rank and file members from sub-CO and sub- UA groups has already been working with an outside expert to discuss pension and healthcare.
“As the union continues towards the negotiation of the agreement, input from the membership will be a key component,” said Fisher. “Members will be asked for feedback through proposals and bargaining surveys and are encouraged to also continually share their thoughts with members of the various committees throughout the process. The input from our members and committees will be very important as we press ahead for an acceptable agreement,” he went on to say. “I encourage our members to continue to watch for updates and stay informed through their Local and in the UALMechanics Dispatch on the website,” he concluded.

Airline Industry News
Governmental and Regulatory
Legislation approved by the Senate on Monday will require the Transportation Security Administration to consider applications from private screening companies. The TSA last year froze the number of airports where it allowed private screeners. The lack of an increase in Passenger Facilities Charges in the new FAA funding measure is seen as a loss for airports

Airlines and Labor
Pinnacle Airlines has amended agreements with Continental Airlines and United Airlines as a step toward averting bankruptcy…Republic Airways Holdings has found potential buyers for subsidiary Frontier Airlines, said Republic CEO Bryan Bedford.
AMR Corp. intends to emerge from bankruptcy this year without merging with another company, at which time it may consider an acquisition, CEO Tom Horton says…The Transport Workers Union is planning to prepare a counterproposal for American Airlines by next week…US Airways and its flight attendants have reached a tentative deal after
five years of negotiations…Air Canada pilots could vote to go on strike this week.

Mechanics Dispatch for February 10, 2012

Compliance Concerns
Members are advised to use an abundance of caution regarding compliance with maintenance manuals and other controlled documents. There have been several issues across the system of non-compliance and it appears the FAA is increasing its presence in several cities. When caught up in a compliance issue make sure to file an MSAP/ASAP report as soon as possible. Your flight safety rep or steward should be able to guide you through the process. The License Protection Program is a great safety net; but it's designed to be just that, a safety net.
Please don't rush through a job without reading the proper paperwork; otherwise you open yourself up to possible discipline and potential license action.
Division and Locals Attend Denver Steward Training
On February 2nd and 3rd Local 455 hosted a joint Steward and Management training session on the new sub United collective bargaining agreement. A panel of Business Agents and International Representatives explained the interpretations of the new language to the audience while fielding clarifying questions. Prior to the session the Stewards put together a list of frequently asked questions which aided conversation over the two day seminar. Grievance Committee Chairman Mitch Hunt kept the meeting on track and was aided by Committee Secretary Scott Brown. Bill Langan - GQ Shop Steward said, this was valuable training because it helped me to understand the contract in layman’s terms.”
A special thanks to Steve Vairma, Principal Officer of Local 455 for hosting the event, and also to Business Agent John Hennelly for his work behind the scene and for making sure the panel made it to the sessions.
The panel members were Business Agents Ralph Salzano - Local 210 and Dave Elmore - Local 986, and International Representatives Clacy Griswold and Bob Fisher.
Attending for the Union were; Mitch Hunt, Scott Brown, Don Ramsey, Ken Meidinger, Jon Burton, Vic Austin, Mike Brooks, Ron Campbell, Glen Nilson, Kevin Zunker, Ron Clanton, Saied Foroutun, John Lambert, Tony Malleck, John Dwyer, Bill Langan, Mark Kulachkosky, Bruce Rowe, Mark Brocklander, Sam Kaleikini-Wolfe, Mike Romero, Mike Donofrio, Pete Angelos, Rick Olsen. The company was represented by Nick Accardi, Andy Alsdorf, Tom Willey, Bob Amundsen, Gary Dyer and John Weakland.

Larry Calhoun, JFK Grievance Coordinator forwarded the following information regarding expense reports that should help get expense reports reimbursed or a more expeditious manner.
Paper expense reports will no longer be accepted. All expenses, and hotel reservations, must be made thru the Ariba Expense Report system available thru the “Flying Together” page.
The following link will show you how to add Ariba training to your intranet site: December/111201 2aribaexpense.jsp **Once the below steps are completed, it will take approximately 7 days for you to be able to access the system**
First step is you must have Expense Report Direct Deposit:
1.    Flying Together page
2.    Employee Services
3.    All about me
4.    Direct deposit
5.    Add
Second step is you must take the online web "Ariba Expense Reporting Lesson" Online Steps to do it.
1.    Flying Together Page
2.    Employee Services
3.    United Learning Network
4.    In Search Box, type "Ariba"
5.    When link opens, choose "Ariba Expense Reporting Lesson"

Furloughed Members Urged to Keep In Touch
Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent. If you are in touch with a furloughed member please forward this information to them.
Updates may be emailed to:  Useful Links
Several members, including those on furlough status, have requested links to Local websites be added to this section. The following Locals represent these respective cities:
Airline Mechanics Forum Airline Mechanics forum
Boston Local 25
New York & Washington Local 210
Charleston & Atlanta Local 528
Miami & Orlando Local 769
Cleveland Local 964
Chicago Local 781
Houston, Dallas & New Orleans Local 19
Phoenix Local 104
Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Hawaii & Guam Local 856/986
Denver Local 455

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Alternate Chief Steward Election

Soon, the Stewards will be coming around with ballots for the election of Alternate Chief Steward. We will do our very best to give everyone on the roster a chance to vote. The candidates are: Mike Karjala, Keith Patterson, and Matt Paul.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mechanics Dispatch for February 2, 2012

PHLMM Reopening
Twelve sub-United mechanics will soon be headed home as a result of the new agreement. It is expected that these members will be back in Philadelphia by April 1st. Ralph Salzano; Business Agent from Local 210 has been working with Mark Prpich from Labor Relations to ensure that the recalls are processed properly.  Philadelphia and Newark were opened for sub-United mechanics as a result of LOA 30 which was a settlement to the line closing arbitration case.

Fleet Plan Released
In a recent SEC 8K filing, United has indicated that it will add four 787 aircraft by the end of the year and retire four 767 aircraft. There will be several 757 aircraft retired as well. Thanks to Seattle Chief Steward Jock Creach for passing on this information. The filing may be read by clicking on the following link:

Payroll and Benefit Issues Continue
While the company is working to implement the new changes on the sub-United side of the house, issues continue to be reported. If you notice an error in your pay or are having difficulties with benefits please report them to Airline Division Rep Bob Fisher at Bob has been working with members of management to bring these issues to quick resolution.

Principal Officers and Business Agents Conference Moved
The meeting that was scheduled for February 9th has been moved to the 10th due to some scheduling conflicts. As previously reported the meeting will be used to establish steering, negotiating and seniority integration committees.

Resource Utilization
A meeting was held in downtown Chicago last Friday to discuss the company’s plan for narrow body resource utilization. The company focused on what they envision will happen after they merge the reservations systems in March. The parties discussed how mechanics will be utilized when the company starts changing cities to which aircraft fly. While no agreement was reached at this meeting, significant progress was made. In attendance for the Union were Division Director Bourne, International Representatives Clacy Griswold, Paul Alves and Bob Fisher, IBT Legal counsel Ed Gleason and Local 19 Principal Officer Robert Rasch. In attendance for the Company were Doug McKeen, Jim Keenan, Joe Ferreira, Mark Mounsey, Marcel Delhommeau, Cathy Kassley, Don Wright, and Jeff Wall.

Local 210 Puts Out a Call for Proposals
To begin the process of negotiating a new joint collective bargaining agreement Local 210 has issued a call for proposals. A link to the notice can be found here:

JBA/SBA Process Discussed
On the Business Agents call International Representative Paul Alves talked about the work required to integrate these third step processes in the future. Paul pointed out where he noticed areas of strength in each system and emphasized the need to take the best of both of these programs for the final product.

Legislative Update
On January 31st, rank and file members from IAD attended the Aero Club lunch in DC. The keynote speaker was Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood. The Secretary discussed the importance of the passage of a new FAA Authorization Bill. Audience members were encouraged to ask questions and there was a discussion of Next Gen items that are already in place. Secretary LaHood emphasized the need for infrastructure spending to update the antiquated air transport system in this country. Members in attendance were Tom Reid and Jay Koreny of IAD and they were joined by Division Director David Bourne, Assistant Director Steve Nagrotsky, International Representative Bob Fisher and Jack Albertine from the Albertine Group.

Useful Links
Several members, including those on furlough status, have requested links to Local websites be added to this section. The following Locals represent these respective cities:
Airline Mechanics Forum   Airline Mechanics forum   
Boston    Local 25
New York & Washington Local 210
Charleston & Atlanta Local 528
Miami & Orlando Local 769
Cleveland Local 964
Chicago Local 781
Houston, Dallas & New Orleans Local 19
Phoenix  Local 104
Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Hawaii & Guam Local 856/986
Denver  Local 455

Craft Meeting Scheduled for February 29th

Attention all Techs. There will be a craft meeting held at the Union Hall on February 29th at 8:45 AM, 1:30 PM & 4:00 PM. Our Business Agent, Charlie Alferio, will be there to give us updates along with a question and answer session. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Airline Division Week In Review-February 5, 2012

Tentative Agreement Reached for the Pilots of Cape Air
Capping off a process that returned the IBT to the property by a wide margin, on February 2nd, the Airline Division of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced that they had reached Tentative Agreement on a four-year contract for the pilots of the carrier.
IBT Airline Division international representative Captain Scott Hegland noted, “One year and ten months since negotiations resumed, I have the pleasure to announce that a Tentative Agreement has been reached between the IBT, representing the Cape Air Pilots and Cape Air Management. These negotiations have been a high water mark in my many years of negotiations. Never before have I been party to such a collaborative effort by all the parties involved.
“We are enormously pleased with the hard work of both parties in reaching this accord, said Dan Wolf, CEO of the airline. This agreement is fair to our pilots and to the airline and is representative of the employee-oriented company that we are,” added Wolf.
“I cannot adequately express how grateful I am to the people involved in getting the Cape Air pilots their first contract,” said Captain Marilyn Rhude, Cape Air Executive Council Chairperson, who added, “Through countless hours of research, discussions, debates and compromises we have sculpted a tentative agreement of which we can all be proud.”
The agreement provides detailed rules governing all aspects of the employment relationship, including schedules, pay and base bid rights for the airline's 160 pilots based throughout the U.S, including the Caribbean and Micronesia. The contract is the first to be written and agreed to by the parties.
Scott Hegland added, “My thanks to Captain David Bourne, Director of the IBT's Airline Division, for his never ending commitment to the Cape Air Pilots and to see his vision of a "new approach" to Labor/ Management relationships. His steady leadership and progressive ideals have become the benchmark in the Airline Division’s negotiations throughout the industry.”
Captain Rhude noted,"This was a pretty big learning curve for many of us and we would not have been as successful without the guidance, knowledge and patience that our IBT partners brought to the table. I am especially grateful to Teamster Airline Division Director David Bourne, who ensured we always had the resources necessary to get the job finished and to CEO Dan Wolf and his negotiating team, who met us at the table with open minds, a willingness to create a solid and fair first contract and the mutual desire to preserve that which makes Cape Air unique. This is an endeavor in which I am honored to have been a part."
“This is a great airline working with committed partners in the IBT. A mutually-beneficial contract was created by both of these strong teams,” said Dan Wolf.
Wolf and IBT Airline Division Director David Bourne are expected to participate in some of the meetings to discuss the new contract with pilots beginning February 6, 2012.
The contract will be presented to the airlines pilots in a series of base meetings in the next three weeks and then will be subject to a ratification vote by the pilots in late February.  The aim of both sides is to have a new contract in place by March 1, 2012.

Horizon Mechanics Turn Out for PDX craft meeting.
Craft Meetings were held on February 2nd in Portland for the Horizon (QX) mechanics. The meeting was hosted by Business Agent Dave Saucedo and Chief Steward John Cox.
In response to questions from the floor; Local Union 986 Principal Officer and Secretary Treasurer, Chris Griswold gave a financial presentation explaining how the Local allocates its funds. Along with a reading of the local Profit and Loss statement, Griswold answered questions from the members and encouraged them to visit the Department of Labor website to view the Local's finances. Said Griswold, "we are completely transparent with our finances and want our members to know where their money goes."
TAMC Chairman Chris Moore did a brief presentation on the recently implemented License ProtectionProgram and the value it provides to all Teamster Aviation Mechanics.
Dave Saucedo and John Cox covered Local QX maintenance issues, including a major victory this week when the Teamsters showed their power by shutting down a proposed attendance policy change before the company was able to enforce it. Dave Saucedo, who was responsible for the behind the scenes work that thwarted the program said, "The ability to stop this policy change is just another example of how the Local Union, working in concert with the Teamster Airline Division, was able to work swiftly and firmly to protect the interests of our members."

NetJets Dispatchers Hold “Meet and Greet” to Learn about Benefits of Membership
On Wednesday February 1st the NetJets Negotiating Committee and Stewards met with Local 284 Secretary/Treasurer and Business Representative Paul Suffoletto and International Representative Captain Paul Alves from the Teamsters Airline Division. Also in attendance were members of the Technician's Negotiating Committee to also lend their support for upcoming negotiations.
Alves described to the group the processes and dynamics that will take place during the course of the negotiations. The discussion continued with emphasis on the first order of business to negotiate an interim protocol agreement with the Company to insure a smooth transition to an eventual tentative agreement. He made it very clear that solidarity and unity are critical to the process and also made it clear to the group that the International and the Airline Division would provide every support needed to achieve a solid contract.
The group emphasized the importance of regaining "merit raises." Captain Alves described this Companys action on the merit raises as not the way to treat a highly skilled, invaluable work force.
“I can't tell you how reassuring it was to know that not only will Captain Alves be helping us,” said Negotiating Committee member Fred Larkins. In additional to his help, we will also have IBT Representative Traey Liggett, a former United Airlines pilot to assist us along with the various departments and experts from the International. We are most grateful to have their skills and expertise. The Negotiating Committee is working hard to develop a strategy that includes an Interim Agreement to be the first order of business that we hope to have signed in the near future. The negotiations process will take us all eventually out from the unprotected world of being “at-will” employees to the protected world of “contracted” employees, a key for our future success,” Larkins concluded.

Teamsters Join With Other Unions, Call for a “Clean” FAA Reauthorization Bill
Joining with seventeen other labor unions, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters added their voice in the call for Congress to pass a clean FAA Reauthorization bill this past week.
In a press release dated January 30th, the unions, the UAW; Communications Workers of America; Association of Flight Attendants-CWA; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; American Federation of Government Employees; International Association of Machinists; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen-IBT; Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees-IBT; Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen; Service Employees Local 32BJ-National Conference of Fireman and Oilers; Sheet Metal Workers; United Steelworkers; Teamsters; American Train Dispatchers Association; Transportation Communications Union-IAM; Amalgamated Transit Union; United Transportation Union; UniteHere. In the joint statement, the unions said:
“We remain strongly committed to passage of a clean FAA Reauthorization bill. An aviation safety and security bill is no place to impose unrelated and controversial labor provisions that will ultimately serve to harm both airline and railroad workers. The proposed Railway Labor Act changes would drastically rewrite a statute that was crafted by labor-management cooperation and has not been changed for over 75 years without the agreement of both employer and employee representatives. Airline and rail workers would suffer significant losses as contracts are jettisoned, collective bargaining rights are cut and legal hurdles will be placed in the way of gaining a voice at work. 
A rewrite of long standing labor law deserves proper and due consideration through the normal deliberative process. Acting otherwise directly conflicts with the non-partisan recommendations of the 1994 Report of the Dunlop Commission on the Future of Worker-Management Relations. This is particularly true of this law which was uniquely created through labor and management negotiations. Unilaterally changing that law without labors input and without due deliberation threatens to unravel its carefully balanced goals of labor stability and uninterrupted commerce.  
Rewarding the House Republican Leaderships desire to rewrite decades of long standing labor law in a flash by inserting an unrelated and controversial labor provision in a much needed aviation safety and security bill, without notice, hearing, or debate, sets an extremely dangerous precedent. We urge the Senate to delete the provisions of the bill that would amend the RLA and pass the clean FAA Reauthorization that all concerned recognize this country sorely needs and supports.”
Parent Company of World Airways, North American Airlines Files for Bankruptcy

On Sunday, Global Aviation Holdings Inc., the parent company of World Airways, Inc., North American Airlines, Inc. and other subsidiaries, filed voluntary petitions to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. During the restructuring, the Company and its subsidiaries will continue to operate as normal, without interruption.
Airline Industry News

Government and Regulatory
House and Senate aviation leaders have approved a $63 billion four-year reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration, which includes compromises on several difficult issues…Congress will require the Federal Aviation Administration to mandate automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast "in" equipment for some aircraft by 2020…Rep. Tom Graves, R-Ga., plans to introduce a bill to overturn a Department of Transportation rule  that requires airlines to include taxes and fees in advertised fares.

Industry and Labor
U.S. airlines are concerned that customers could face sticker shock as taxes and fees are now included in airline fares… AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines, reported a loss of $904 million for December after filing for bankruptcy Nov. 29. The loss included write-downs to Boeing 757 aircraft, as well as reorganization costs. However, AMR Corp. ended 2011 with $4 billion in available liquidity…Delta Air Lines is considering making an offer for US Airways, sources say. Delta, the second-largest U.S. airline by traffic, is also said to be studying the merits of a merger with American Airlines.
Republic Airways Holdings plans to spin off or sell subsidiary Frontier Airlinesin six to 12 months…
Investment firm Manning Napier, the third-largest shareholder of US Airways, has been buying more shares as the carrier trims capacity. The firm held 5.2% of US Airways stock as of Oct. 1… American Airlines parent AMR Corp. has unveiled its plan of action to save $2 billion in annual costs by cutting 13,000 jobs and seeking union approval to drop its traditional pension plans.
The Cleveland Volcano in Alaska could discharge an ash cloud, which could interrupt air travel over the region.