Sunday, January 22, 2012

Airline Week in Review January 22, 2012

NMB Confirms IAM Intimidation and Misconduct during UAL/CAL Fleet Service Vote
Following the UAL/CAL Fleet Service election in August 2012, which the IBT narrowly lost to the IAM, the IBT filed an election protest with the National Mediation Board on the basis that fair election rules were violated by the IAM when they intimidated employees and by secretly linking to the NMB's voting website from its webpage. In the IBT's view, the IAM's actions violated employees' rights to a secret vote and to be free of unfair interference. The IBT requested that the Board conduct a full investigation of the IAM's actions.
On January 17, 2012, in a letter to the parties, NMB General Counsel Mary Johnson wrote that the IBT's protest presented enough evidence of interference to warrant a full NMB investigation, including interviews of witnesses to the IAM's actions.
While the Board does not always take such steps in response to allegations of interference; its willingness to investigate this matter shows that the IBT has demonstrated that there are serious concerns with the fairness and secrecy of the election. Ultimately, after a full election, the NMB could order a rerun election to be conducted under conditions that ensure fairness and secrecy.
Upon notification of the finding, Airline Division Director David Bourne said, "We are confident that when the NMB conducts its investigation, it will find further evidence confirming serious incidents of interference by the IAM. What the IAM did in the Fleet Service election; most importantly its inclusion of a secret link to the voting website in spite of a clear NMB prohibition on doing so; tainted the election and certainly resulted in the Fleet Service craft having IBT representation stolen from them."
“We will keep our membership updated as the NMB investigation proceeds," he concluded.
Express Jet/ASA Stock Clerk Negotiations Continue
The XJT/ASA Steering Committee met on January 10th and 11th to discuss future negotiations with the Company. Monica Horne (RIC), Jeremy Keeble (TYS), Kermit Morrell (ATL), Verena Riese (IAD) and Chris Lomeli (IAH) who comprised the Rank and File members of the steering committee were joined by the IBT negotiating team at the meeting. Lead Negotiator and Local 210 Business Agent Bob Luciano, IBT Attorney Nick Manicone, Airline Division Representative Chris Moore and Local 19 Business Agent Mike Cline discussed issues of importance to the members as well as the differences in the work rules at the respective Airlines.
Negotiations continued on January 16th and 17th.  Work was continued from the previous session and Tentative Agreement was reached on two contract sections, Grievance Procedure and System Board of Arbitration. Additionally, the parties were able to reach agreement on the contract section that will deal with Seniority.
Once tentative agreements are completed on all the proposed contract sections, the full Tentative Agreement will be submitted to the membership for ratification.
Negotiations Continue at Continental Micronesia
The past week’s meetings concluded with the parties focused on the intent of concluding negotiations for the sub Continental Micronesia mechanics agreement. The parties discussed the remaining open economic items including health care, retirement, wages and job protection provisions from Monday the 16th until Wednesday the 18th. Significant progress was reported towards achieving the goals that would provide the membership with an acceptable agreement.
The Negotiating Committee remains determined to put the CMI membership in a position of equity with the agreements previously reached with both the sub Continental and sub United mechanics. Future negotiation dates are yet to be determined, but the parties are committed to completing this process in the most expeditious manner possible.
Airline Industry News
Governmental and Regulatory
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. has a message for American Airlines as it works through bankruptcy reorganization: Keep pension plans for the staff…A U.S. federal court has rejected a request from Airlines for America to block Export-Import Bank of the U.S. from giving a loan to Air India to purchase Boeing 787 Dreamliners…The U.S. wants proof of EU’s fair aid to Airbus…
Industry and Labor
David Barger, president and CEO of JetBlue, says that American Airlines' recent bankruptcy is part of the industry's overall evolution… The aviation industry is hopeful that lawmakers will act quickly to prevent another shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration at the end of January…The airline industry approves of the Administration plan to speed up the visa process for foreign tourists…The surging price of jet fuel may lead Southwest Airlines to put off any expansion until 2014, CEO Gary Kelly says.

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