Monday, April 7, 2014

Cleveland Gate Consolidations

I received an update from Kan Trahan about the latest changes at CLE. The following is the text from his email...

In meetings with the city last week, UA will consolidate all it’s flying on Terminal C effective with the June 5th schedule. We will utilize all the gates on C for the time being. This doesn't mean we won’t use Terminal D from time to time if needed as it will still be in working order with computers’ printers and facilities.  All the vendors will be closing or moving.

I have asked to have a couple gates configured to handle the B737’s verses towing to cargo when gate space is needed.  Utilizing Terminal D gates for remote parking gives us stairs, electrical power and ground heating and air conditioning. 

Also, a letter dated April 7th was sent out to Airport Operation co-workers to expect staffing reduction notifications beginning today. The letter also explained some of the job options available to IAM members including:
Gate Agent early out programs, new job vacancies available in IAD, DEN, and PHX, and job fairs & skills evaluations for those unable to maintain employment with United. The letter also emphasized United would continue to have significant mainline presence here in Cleveland. 

According to our leadership - Technical Operations remains unaffected by the staffing reductions and consolidations in Cleveland. I will update you as more information becomes available.

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