Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Negotiations Update March 5, 2014

Negotiations Update

Although the parties have yet to be given dates by the NMB several members have asked how the process works.
Here is a quick chart showing roughly the steps of negotiations under the RLA and where we are currently.

On this chart, we are in the italicized box. There are a couple of possibilities not covered by the chart, including potential intervention by Congress. As we get closer to that phase of negotiations more discussion and detail will be provided about our status. The NMB or the President could fail to intervene but that is extremely unlikely. In that event the parties would immediately enter the 30 day cooling off period and skip to self-help. Given the size of the carrier and the potential economic impact we could certainly count on Presidential intervention. But as there is no time limit that would likely happen in the distant future.

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