Monday, March 31, 2014

Airline Division Week In Review For March 29, 2014

World Airways Ceases Operations 

One of America’s true legacy airlines, World Airways ceased operations on Thursday. A statement released by Airline Division Director David Bourne on the announcement read in part: 
“Today, Global Aviation Holdings announced that it was closing operations of World Airways.  With this, the airline industry witnesses yet again the destruction of another storied airline, laid to waste by greed and management incompetence. 
World Airways began in 1948 with the famed Boeing China Clipper flying boats. In her history, she carried many an American soldier to the far corners of the earth, and more proudly, brought them safely home.  The Teamsters have proudly served at World for decades, both as pilots and as flight attendants and honored to have been there to support our troops.   
Not surprisingly, Global and its parent company Cerberus Capital are trying to blame the Teamsters for the failure of the airline.  Had the pilots and flight attendants been running the Cerberus Capital and gutting the airline and the coffers, or hired inept management at Global; that had no idea or concern how to properly operate an airline, we would accept the claim. Had the pilots and flight attendants refused; despite numerous offers of assistance, to put together an honest business plan and operate the airline instead of continually looking for ways to strip the very foundation of the airline; we would accept the claim. 
In fact, we will not accept blame for the debacle they created. Our repeated attempts to get Cerberus and Global to produce a legitimate business plan were met with silence. The management team put in place by Cerberus has redefined the term incompetence. It has been a revolving door, with no commitment whatsoever to the long-term success of this company. They alone brought the company into bankruptcy twice in the past two years, by overloading the company with debt and refusing to build even a simple, sound business plan. Despite over $15 million dollars in concessions just last year from less than 250 pilots, they failed less than three months after exiting bankruptcy. Their solution to their ineptitude in this, their second bankruptcy, was to demand an additional $7.5 million dollars from 47 pilots, while they lined their pockets and still had no business plan. 
Despite this, our Teamsters membership never failed to show their dedication to this company and its legacy, with decades of performance under the most difficult circumstances. As the books now close on this proud and storied airline, history will show that the Teamsters members of World Airways did their jobs professionally and consistently day after day. Their performance, professionalism, skill and care for our servicemen in their charge and the cargo they carried will never be open for criticism by those who know the facts. 
During both bankruptcies, the Teamsters were willing to work with the company to negotiate a reasonable way to revive the company, honoring the fact that employees were not the problem. Numerous requests made to Cerberus Capital and Global for the evidence and financial documentation we needed to go forth in good faith ask our membership for still more concessions were met with silence and refusals of proof.  The choice not to discuss costs and solutions honestly was Cerberus’ and Global’s choice, and theirs alone to bear.” 
A full copy of Division Director Bourne’s statement can be found on the Airline Division

NetJets Dispatchers Discussions Continue 

In preparation for the meeting, the NetJets Dispatchers Negotiating Committee spent Wednesday, March 12th and continued to work counter proposals on Article 9 (Filling of Vacancies) and Article 12 (Leaves of Absence). 
The Committee then met with Company representatives on Thursday, March 13th with Local 284 hosting NetJets for the negotiating session. The Company passed counters on Article 14 (Safety and Health), Article 13 (Training) and Article 20 (Union Representation) for consideration.  The Parties also continued an extensive discussion regarding Operational Control with the Company, with the union continuing to press for a more defined understanding of the practical application of Operational Control and how that application includes the Dispatcher. 
The Committee also passed a counter proposal on Article 12 (Leaves of Absence).   
The next negotiating session is tentatively scheduled in April for the week of the 21st 

NJASAP, NetJets Unions Coalition, Local 284 Hold Informational Picket

The NetJets Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots (NJASAP) and International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 284 executive boards have announced the formation of the NetJets Unions Coalition. Citing “minimal progress and unjustifiable demands” during ongoing contract talks, they marked the announcement with a round of informational picketing at the company headquarters in Columbus, Ohioon Friday.  Over 3,000 pilots who fly for NetJets are represented by NJASAP, and approximately 500 NetJets dispatchers, flight attendants, maintenance controllers, mechanics and stock clerks are represented by Local 284.
In discussing the formation of the coalition, Local 284 President Paul Suffoleto said,  “senior NetJets managers made clear their intention to engage all four of its organized employees” in contract negotiations at the same time. “With the flight attendans headed to mediation and little progress being made with the remaining groups, the time to launch the coalition is now,” said Local 284 president Paul Suffoletto.

Teamsters and XJT complete Scope Arbitration and SBA this week. 

The Airline Division and ExpressJet met this week in Houston to complete a Scope Arbitration that began last December with both sides concluding witness testimony and cross examination. At issue is floorboard work that the airline has outsourced.  
The case is now in the Arbitrator's hands and with the sides anticipating a ruling by mid to late summer. 
The day following the Arbitration, the XJT MX quarterly System Board convened. Union Stewards and Business Agents from Locals 210 and 19 brought a total of 17 cases before the board, all of which were processed. 

Airline Industry News 

Governmental and Regulatory 

Members of the House Homeland Security Committee's Subcommittee on Transportation Security will hold a field hearing at the Los Angeles International Airport to discuss recommendations by the Transportation Security Administration to improve on-the-job security for TSA airport workers.  
American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, JetBlue Airways and People Express Airlines have allsubmitted applications to the Department of Transportation for slots at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.  
federal agency overseeing transportation safety is warning pilots to take extra precautions after a pair of recent plane landings at the wrong Midwest airports.  
The Federal Aviation Administration announced the appointment of Teri Bristol as the new chief operating officer of its Air Traffic Organization. Bristol has been with the FAA for 21 years, with her most recent position of deputy COO. She has been serving as acting COO since former COO David Grizzle left in December.  

Airlines, Industry and Labor 

Last year, the number of bags properly handled by airlines improved, according to a report released by industry IT specialist SITA.  
In a recent blog post, Southwest Airlines' President and CEO Gary Kelly called on the Federal Aviation Administration to speed up the implementation process of NextGen, its satellite-based air traffic control system.  
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday ordered an immediate fix to the latest version of Boeing Co's 747-8 plane, saying a software glitch could cause it to lose thrust when close to landing and fly into the ground. The FAA's so-called airworthiness directive covers Boeing's 747-8 and 747-8F planes with certain General Electric Co engines. It calls for replacing defective software with a new, improved version.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Airline Division Week In Review For March 22, 2014

NetJets Technicians and Related 
The Negotiating Committee met at Local 284 Headquarters the week of March 17th to complete and pass counter proposals to the company on Article 7 (Union Representation) and Article 13 (Funeral Leave). The Committee also completed and passed the Union’s opening proposals on Articles 20 (Training), 25 (Sick Leave) and 32 (Hours of Service). Additionally, the committee began work on Article 14 (Leaves of Absence). The Union and the Company were able to reach a Tentative Agreement on Article 35 (Tuition Assistance Policy). 
The Union and the Company will be working to set dates for the next round of talks. 

United Airlines Flight Simulator Technician and Related Negotiations Update  
A very busy second week of negotiations between the Union and United Airlines Management for the Flight Simulator Technicians and Related Amalgamated agreement concluded this week. The parties exchanged proposals on Articles 7 (Hours of Service), 13 (Training), 14 (Safety and Health), 17 (Overtime), 18 (Union Security and Representation), 19 (Grievance Procedures) and 20 (Board of Arbitration) with progress being made on several items. 
The next session will be in Denver the week of April 28th

Piedmont Negotiations Continue    
Piedmont negotiations resumed on Monday, March 17th with a productive week reported as the parties discussed various aspects of both the company and union proposals and some new ideas. While no agreements were reached and the parties did not pass any paper proposals, both sides left with a clearer prospective on what the other side wants in the final Agreement. 
Discussions also took place regarding external events that may possibly impact the discussions. The Company advised the committee that it has reached a tentative agreement with the flight attendants and the ratification process will be concluded on April 9th
The American Eagle pilots’ tentative agreement is also out for ratification and should be concluded on March 28th.  If ratified, it will assure that Eagle will maintain a minimum fleet of 170 aircraft.  That most likely will account for all the jets that AA is committed to purchase. 
In a message to members, the union advised the membership that they remain committed to and believe that they should be able to reach agreement with the Company on a new contract that will be fair to all sides. 
Negotiations are scheduled to resume on May 5th. 

ANPRM on Drug/Alcohol Testing for Foreign MRO’s is Applauded by Airline Division, TAMC 
The announcement by the FAA on March 13th that the agency would be seeking publiccomments on an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) that would require drug and alcohol testing of maintenance personnel who work on aircraft operated by U.S. air carriers (Part 121) in facilities outside the United States was met with strong support by the Airline Division and the Teamster Airline Mechanics Coalition (TAMC). 
“This is a very positive first step,” said TAMC Chairman Chris Moore. “For too long, foreign MRO facilities have been operating on a lower level of compliance than U.S. based facilities. We believe that there is no justification for anyone who works on a U.S registered aircraft to not fall under the same safety and security guidelines that our members must follow,” he continued. 
“When it comes to safety issues, there can be only one standard; Foreign Repair Stations working on US Carriers Aircraft must be equal to the standards imposed on US Mechanics” said Airline Division Director David Bourne. “The American travelling public and all U.S. flight crews deserve nothing less than 100% assurance that the people working on the airplanes they fly have been held to the same stringent safety standards as the crewmembers themselves. The Airline Division and TAMC have worked together since 2007 on this issue and we will continue to pursue this issue through the ANPRM process and to a final rule on the process” he said.   

Airline Industry News 

Governmental and Regulatory 
Airlines carrying passengers to and within the U.S. served 1.3% more travelers in 2013 than in 2012, according to U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

 Airlines, Industry and Labor 
In a letter to the editor of the Dallas Morning News, Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly furthered his case for why the carrier should receive two more gates at Love Field. "For a variety of reasons, Southwest's only option for expansion in the Metroplex is at Love Field. Southwest expansion would bring additional competition that would not otherwise be possible. Experts agree that Southwest's proposed 20 flights to 12 new destinations will generate far more economic benefit to the Metroplex," wrote Kelly.  
American Airlines plans to relocate 100 accounting jobs to Tempe, Arizona. 
United Airlines is renewing its fleet with the fuel-efficient Boeing 787 and Airbus A350, according to Matt Miller, managing director, Japan and Pacific sales. 
American Eagle pilots have begun voting on a new contract. 
More than 95% of Lufthansa pilots have voted in favor of going on strike, union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC), which represents about 5,400 Lufthansa pilots, announced Friday
Atlas Air and Qantas Freight, the cargo unit of Australia’s Qantas Airways, have extended their aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance (ACMI) contract.  
Speaking at a recent conference, Centurion Cargo Chairman Alphonso Rey was the most upbeat of the panelists, noting that hard times for all-cargo carriers are not only a recent phenomenon, pointing out that more than 100 all-cargo airlines have disappeared in the last twenty years. Regarding competition from belly capacity, he said that passenger airline belly cargo offerings are less flexible and less reliable than what is offered by freighter operators. He urged greater attention to air cargo’s value proposition and warned against complacency, “the enemy of all-cargo airlines is doing nothing.”

Monday, March 17, 2014

Airline Division Week In Review For March 15, 2014

Teamster Mechanics and Related Attend FAA Safety Info Share 
In the highest turnout ever, with over 860 attendees, eighteen Teamster Safety representatives attended the FAA Safety Info Share in Seattle Washington last week. Members of the ASAP Event Review Committees and Flight Safety Committees from UAL, CAL, UPS, Frontier, ASA and XJT took part in the three day conference which also included Airline, FAA, MRO, Military and OEM safety representatives. The meeting provides a platform for Aviation Safety Professionals to discuss Safety Issues effecting all phases of the industry.   

ExpressJet Negotiations Update 
Contract negotiations were held on March 11th, 12th and 13th in Baltimore, Maryland under the direction of the Federal Mediator. There was some continued discussion on Holidays and Personal Days, but no proposals were passed by the parties. 
The Company made a first proposal on Section 11 (Sick Leave and OJI).  There was discussion and the Union passed a first proposal on Section 11.  The two opposing proposals are very divergent, mostly over the economic aspects of the contract section. 
There was also discussion regarding the remaining contract sections being mostly economic in nature.  The Mediator suggested that both sides should consider bringing any economic help to the next session. The Union negotiating committee has been using an outside economic consultant since beginning the process by putting together opening proposals and has been consistent in using an economist when needed. 
Negotiations are scheduled to resume on March 31st in Baltimore. 

Southwest Flight Simulator Technician Teamster Members Ratify Two Year Agreement 
This past Thursday, Southwest Airlines Flight Simulator Technicians, with 100% participation, ratified a new two year contract by majority vote. The Flight Simulator Technicians are members of Local 19. 
Commenting on the participation and vote, Local 19 President and Business Manager Bob Clever said, “I am so proud to have been able to work with Committee Members, Bruce Fishlock and Bill Baker making improvements to the existing contractual language and economic enhancements for this next 2 year contract. This group, a couple weeks ago, deservingly received the most prestigious award from Southwest Airlines, Hero’s of the Heart. Having worked for them this past year and most recently in negotiations, I never miss an opportunity to brag about the job they do and how fortunate I am to work with them.” 

RAH Ballots Mailed, Roadshow Schedule Announced 
Following on the telephone Town Halls, the roadshow schedule for RAH pilots concerning the TA has been published and is listed below. All members are urged to attend to get a full briefing on the TA and have the opportunity to speak directly to the members of the Negotiating Committee with questions about the agreement.
Ballots for the Republic pilots Tentative Agreement ratification vote were mailed on or about March 7th. Due to continuing severe winter storms over a large part of the country hampering the ability for the Post Office to deliver mail in some cases. Coupled with the intervening weekend, this may have caused an uneven delivery of the ballot information around the country. Reports indicate that the ballots and attendant supporting information has now started arriving at the homes of Local 357 members. Members who have not received their ballot information and packet should contact the Airline Division at 202-624-6848. 

DEN: 3/17
1100 and 1400
Country Inn and Suites
4343 Airport Way, Denver, CO 80239

MCI 3/18
1200 and 1500
Fairfield Inn and Suites
11820 NW Plaza Cir, Kansas City, MO 64153

ORD 3/19
1200 and 1500
Airport Hilton
ORD International Airport Terminal

SDF 3/19
1200 and 1500
Crowne Plaza
830 Phillips Ln, Louisville, KY 40209

IND 3/20
1300 and 1700
Cambria 1100
6014 Gateway Dr, Plainfield, IN 46168

CMH 3/21
1200 and 1500
Country Inn and Suites
2900 Airport Dr, Columbus, OH 43219

CLE 3/22
1200 and 1500
Holiday Inn Strongsville
15471 Royalton Rd, Strongsville, OH 44136

PIT 3/23
1100 and 1500
Airport Hyatt Regency
Pittsburgh International Airport Terminal

LGA 3/25
1300 and 1600
Courtyard by Marriott
9010 Ditmars Blvd, East Elmhurst, New York 11369

EWR 3/25
1200 and 1500
Doubletree Newark
128 Frontage Rd, Newark, New Jersey 07114

DCA 3/26
1200 and 1500
Doubletree Crystal City
300 Army Navy Dr, Arlington, VA 22202

PHL 3/27
1200 and 1500
Wyndham Garden Inn Airport
45 Industrial Hwy, Essington, PA 19029
(610) 521-2400

Airline Industry News 
Governmental and Regulatory 
The Federal Aviation Administration has published an official update of procedures to be followed by air traffic control tower personnel. Officials clearing planes for departure using the pre-departure clearance system available through the electronic control tower datalink system must now deliver some instructions and materials in person, rather than electronically.  
Aviation regulators say they're considering rules that would require alcohol and drug testing for people who work on U.S. airline planes in foreign maintenance and repair shops.
Deborah Hersman, chairwoman of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), has announced plans to leave the agency in April to become president and chief executive officer of the National Safety Council. 
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said Wednesday that the pending departure of its chairwoman will not affect its efforts to assist searching for a missing Malaysia Airlines flight or any of its other ongoing investigations.
Airlines, Industry and Labor
UPS pilots are pressing to be covered by the same rules that require passenger airline crews to get more rest. The cargo pilots have filed a lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration to bring them under the regulations and are backing legislation in Congress to do the same thing.

American Airlines COO Robert Isom said the merged carrier sees opportunity in boosting its cargo services.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Airline Division Week In Review For March 9, 2014

Discussions on American, USAirways CSR’s Continue
This week, Airline Division Director David Bourne travelled to Phoenix, Arizona to meet with the Local 104 regarding the pending merger of the CSR’s of American and USAirways. Discussions centered on a joint IBT/CWA agreement and looking forward to an organizing campaign to merge the American CSR’s into the unit.
Presently, the CSR’s of USAirways are represented by two unions, the Teamsters and the CWA.
Speaking after the meeting, Airline Division Director David Bourne said, “I want to thank Local 104 Secretary Treasurer Andy Marshall and Local 104 Business Agent Kimberly Barboro for the efforts they put into making the meeting a success. Their hard work allowed for a very good exchange of ideas and concepts. They have my full support and I look forward to working with them in the coming weeks.” 
ExpressJet Negotiations Continue in New York 
Contract negotiations resumed last week in Westchester County, N.Y., with the Federal Mediator, with continued discussions on Section 22 (General and Miscellaneous), and Section 9 (Holidays and Personal Days). 
While proposals were passed on both articles, with discussion on the areas of disagreement, no tentative agreements were reached during the session. 
We will resume negotiations in Baltimore, Md., on March 11, 2014.   
Town Hall Meetings Review Republic TA for Local 357 Members 
This weekend, members of the Local 357 Negotiations Committee, representing the pilots of Republic Airlines, held four “Town Hall” conference calls to fully explain the TA and answer questions streaming in from the membership.  At one time approximately 300 pilots were signed on to one of the calls. 
“I was very pleased by the turnout and questions the members asked of the committee,” said International Representative Captain Rick Dubinsky, who has been working closely with the Republic negotiators. “It has been clear on each call that the members are truly interested in getting the facts about the agreement and getting their questions answered. 
We know that negative rumors abound; that always happens. With the advent of social media and a plethora of public message boards, pilots from other airlines and others outside the industry and the union always seem willing to corrupt the information process.  I’m very pleased to see that the Republic pilots see through that destructive effort and want to cast their votes based on information coming directly from their own negotiators.  The four Republic pilots on the negotiating team worked very diligently for their brothers and sisters and have wholeheartedly and unanimously endorsed this TA,” Dubinsky continued. 
A compendium of the Q&A's from the Town Hall calls is being put together and will be sent to the Local 357 membership in the next few days.  Additionally, the schedule for the live “Road Shows” around the country that will occur during the last two weeks of March is being finalized and will be announced very soon. 
If you are a Republic pilot and were unable to participate on one of the Town Hall calls, your Negotiations Committee members recommend that you make every effort to attend one of the upcoming Road Shows.  At these meetings, those in attendance will be able to discuss the details of this TA face-to-face with their fellow pilots who negotiated the proposed agreement and stand squarely behind it.  The Republic pilots will then be in a position to cast their ratification ballots based on reliable information, not rumors, negative speculation or politically motivated subterfuge. 

Airline Industry News 
Governmental and Regulatory 
Leaders of the House Transportation Committee, led by Rep. Bill Shuster, R-Pa., and Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., introduced a bipartisan bill to reverse a Transportation Department rule that unfairly allows government to mask the excessive federal tax rate on air travel.  
On Thursday, an administrative law judge ruled that the Federal Aviation Administration does not hold clear cut authority to ban commercial unmanned aerial vehicles in U.S. airspace. The judge overturned a $10,000 fine the FAA had levied against a UAV pilot in 2012.
The FAA issued a final rule, effective April 14, 2014 that prohibits airline pilots from using personal electronic devices (PEDs) while flying
Airlines, Industry and Labor 
Created just three months ago, American Airlines Group Inc. (AAL) is poised to earn an annual profit, which some analysts estimate could amount to an industry record.  
United Airlines debuted an aircraft hangar for widebody planes at Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark, N.J. The 90,000-square-foot hangar will be used to perform maintenance, and is designed to accommodate both the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350-XWB.  
Add the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association (SWAPA) to the list of airline industry organizations in the U.S. who are not happy with Norwegian Air’s plan to start trans-Atlantic flights at deeply-discounted fares. 
FedEx and UPS are having difficulty getting permits to serve Beijing to meet growing package-delivery demand. The country will not give the U.S. firms a permit to operate in Beijing, but has granted individual permits for other Chinese cities.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Negotiations Update March 5, 2014

Negotiations Update

Although the parties have yet to be given dates by the NMB several members have asked how the process works.
Here is a quick chart showing roughly the steps of negotiations under the RLA and where we are currently.

On this chart, we are in the italicized box. There are a couple of possibilities not covered by the chart, including potential intervention by Congress. As we get closer to that phase of negotiations more discussion and detail will be provided about our status. The NMB or the President could fail to intervene but that is extremely unlikely. In that event the parties would immediately enter the 30 day cooling off period and skip to self-help. Given the size of the carrier and the potential economic impact we could certainly count on Presidential intervention. But as there is no time limit that would likely happen in the distant future.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Airline Division Week In Review For March 1, 2014

United Airlines Flight Simulator Technician and Related Negotiations Update  
This week concluded the first week of negotiations with management for the Flight Simulator Technicians and Related Amalgamated agreement. The union passed Articles 7 (Hours of Service), 13 (Training), 14 (Safety & Health), 18 (Union Security), 19 (Grievance Procedure), 20 (Board of Arbitration) and the Required, Consent Decree Notice. Management passed back counters on Articles 13, 18, 19 and 20.  
The next negotiating session scheduled in Houston, Texas the week of March 17th
In a message to members this week, Local 19 President and Business Manager Bob Clever said, “It is important to note, just as the Technicians and Related, this group has demonstrated cohesiveness in their resolve to best represent our fellow members. I appreciate everyone’s understanding being afforded these general updates as we will not go in detail on the proposals until we get a finished product.” 
Republic TA Package Being Prepared for Distribution; Roadshows Being Scheduled and Electronic Vote Announced 
On Friday, February 28, 2014 a draft copy of the February 14, 2014 Tentative Agreement (TA) that was reached with Republic management was sent to Washington, DC for printing.  The TA, including all associated Letters of Agreement (LOA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), will be duplicated and included in the packet of information that will be distributed to the Republic Teamsters membership in preparation for their ratification vote.  A summary of TA highlights, examples and flow-charts will also be included as part of the TA information packet. 
The TA information packet, including voting information, will be put in the mail to the membership byMarch 10, 2014.  Voting will be conducted electronically, with the results of the ratification vote announced on March 31, 2014
The IBT Negotiating Team is also finalizing the details of scheduling live “Road Show” presentations for the Republic Pilots around the country to help familiarize them with the terms of the TA.  The majority of these presentations will occur during the last two weeks of March.  They will be conducted by the Republic Pilot members of the IBT Negotiating Team who are each prominent officials of Local 357, which represents the Republic Pilots.  The times and places will be published as soon as they are confirmed, with all presentations taking place prior to the ratification vote deadline.  All Republic Pilots should make plans to attend. 
Sub ASA Technicians and Related Discussions Continue 
Negotiations for a stand-alone Technician and Related, Subsidiary ASA contract resumed this week in Atlanta with the Union and the Company meeting in Federal Mediation. Robert Breaux, the new Business Agent for Local 528 joined the Union Negotiating Team this week. 
The Company has yet to respond to the unions’ proposal that the union is interested in accepting their offer of additional wages and work rules with the understanding that it would only apply to the S-ASA side.  
Negotiations continued with the Union and the Company exchanging passes on Section 7 (Hours of Service), and Section 10 (Leaves of Absence). Although no tentative agreements were reached this week, substantial progress was reported on both Sections 7 and 10. The Union also worked on Section 3 (Classifications). 
For the Stand-Alone Sub-ASA contract, Tentative Agreements on the following Articles 4 (Seniority), 5 (Filling of Vacancies), 6 (Reduction in Force and Recall), 13 (Training), 14 (Health and Safety), 16 (Moving Expenses), 20 (Grievance Procedure), 21 (Board of Arbitration) and the Interim Agreementwhich gives the members a process to fight Discipline and Discharge up to and including Arbitration. 
The next scheduled meetings with the Company are tentatively planned for the week of April 1, 2014.  
Talks also continue in mediation on the Sub-XJT side. If at some point during the Mediation process it is determined to be advantageous to the members, the union will consider offers from the Company for a combined agreement for the S-ASA and S-XJT Mechanic and Related work group. 
GAO Releases 2014 Aviation Workforce Report 
In response to the Friday release of the 2014 Aviation Workforce Report on the “Current and Future Availability of Airline Pilots”, Teamsters Airline Division Director Capt. David Bourne issued the following statement: 
“I’m  pleased that the GAO has confirmed what we in the airline industry have known for years – the starting wage structure in the regional airline industry has not only kept qualified pilots away, it has deterred many from entering the field.  
“In a field that requires not only an extremely high level of training and professionalism and, unlike others, requires semi-annual proficiency checks and medical evaluations –with a failure of either potentially ending a pilot’s career – the current levels of pay for many in the regional industry are inexcusable. 
“The issue causing the shortage is not a lack of skill; it is the inability for many pilots to survive on wages below the poverty level. When faced with that reality and the investment of the money and time required to enter the industry, there is no incentive for them to make the commitment. It is time for the industry to recognize pilots for the professionals they are and compensate them accordingly. When we see pilots paid in a manner commensurate with their skills, training and professionalism, we will see the shortage abate.”  

Airline Industry News 
Governmental and Regulatory 
Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said  airport congestion could cost airlines $63 billion in lost revenue by 2040 if further investments in NextGen are not implemented, citing a study by the American Society of Civil Engineers. "There is no project in aviation with the potential to improve efficiency more than NextGen," Foxx said.  
U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly on Wednesday gave the U.S. Department of Justice untilMarch 10 to finish up its response to comments made by interested parties to the US Airways-American Airlines merger. 
Charles Keegan, who leads transportation training and integration solutions at Raytheon, said the U.S. should improve training for air traffic controllers to reflect modern technologies.
Airlines, Industry and Labor
American Airlines and US Airways will give employees profit sharing bonuses in March. "Eligible employees of legacy American will share a total of $85 million and legacy US Airways employees will share a total of $124 million," American Airlines Group said in a Q&A sent to employees.  
Brian Bedford, the chairman and CEO of Republic Airways, said he has no plans to acquire jets from American Airlines. Last week, an analyst predicted that Republic might pick up jets that were previously destined for American Eagle. 
American and USAirways pilots face numerous challenges as they begin the process of  integrating seniority 
Global airport passenger traffic grew 3.9% in 2013, matching the growth rate reported by Airports Council International (ACI) at the end of 2012.  
Worldwide air freight traffic grew 1% in 2013, a modest improvement from the 0.2% drop in freight traffic reported by ACI for 2012.  
Boeing is seeking buyers for an early model of its 787 Dreamliner. The aircraft manufacturer has 11 787s parked near Seattle, Wash., as the aircraft await acquisition.  

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly said the carrier sees a "host of expansion opportunities" this year, including the expiration of the Wright Amendment in October. "To me this is like 1971 Southwest Airlines all over again," he said.