Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mechanics Dispatch for October 12, 2012

Airline Division meets with new Senior VP Tech Ops 

On October 9th, Airline Division Director David Bourne, Attorney Ed Gleason, and Representatives Clacy Griswold, Paul Alves and Bob Fisher met with Greg Hart, the new Senior VP of Tech Ops along with Doug McKeen and Mike Bonds. This meeting was solely for the purpose of meeting the new Vice President. While no business was discussed, the Airline Division explained that one of its top priorities is and will be continuing to recapture work lost through previous outsourcing. The meeting went well. On a related issue; recently a management change occurred for the sub United GSE and facilities mechanics. Mike Lorenzeni has moved on and Ray Ames will assume his duties in regards to these two groups. Ray will report to Joe Ferreria in Tech Ops.

 Negotiating Committee Correction 

One name was inadvertently left off the list for the national rank and file negotiating committee. Allen Cosides was left off the list but will be attending negotiations as the national coordinator for the GSE members across the system. Allen’s presence will not affect the makeup of voting members, but he will have input to all issues concerning the new agreement.

Committee Update 

The negotiating committee met September 20th and 21st in Denver for the purpose of creating an abbreviated opening proposal for the amalgamated agreement. This is one of the preliminary parts of the expedited mediation process. The committee spent the two days looking at each of the articles and proposals suggested by the members and steering committee and placed them in an order of importance. The group met again the week of the 24th and spent the time working in small subcommittees reviewing each line of each article of the three agreements including the new proposals and created recommendations to the various differences. There were many distinctions and each of these was placed in positions of importance. The work was concluded this week in Chicago where the team took the results of the previous two meeting weeks and created a combined plan which will be sent to the company. This step will begin the back and forth dialog with the company defined in interest based bargaining. With this step in place, the expedited negotiation process can begin. One final hurdle which remains is the official NMB Expedited Negotiating Training. The Team is waiting on training dates which can only be issued from the NMB. We have repeatedly made requests and expect the call for training to happen at any time and the committee is standing by and ready. This training for the new NMB procedures is an important requirement of the expedited mediation process.

Benefits Committee Update 

Since the last Benefits update, the committee has met on three occasions to continue working on finalizing the opening proposals for benefits and pension. With the continued help of Hemant Berry, Assistant Director, Benefits Department for the IBT; and Pete Hardcastle, Pension Consultant from Cheiron, a recommendation will be given to the negotiating committee within the next few weeks, so they can be prepared and ready when the IBB process starts. With many sub company differences to overcome, the committee is confident they will be giving the negotiating committee a strong starting point for these issues.

Seniority Committee Update 

The Seniority Committee will meet again the week of the 15th to continue discussions on the combined seniority lists. One of the tasks assigned to the Seniority Committee has been to review the seniority lists of each work area and push for obvious corrections from local management. The hope is to limit the number of actual seniority discrepancies and protests by making sure the list is as accurate as possible. Furloughed members urged to update their addresses. Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent. If you are in touch with a furloughed member, please forward this information to them. Updates may be emailed to: ESC@united.com . The ESC will provide a fax number and ask members to send the address change accompanied with a signature.

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