Monday, September 10, 2012

Airline Week In Review September 9, 2012

Teamster Women’s Conference 2012 a Success
The 2012 Teamster Women Conference was held the week of August 23rd in San Francisco.  The conference provided a great opportunity to meet and network with Teamster women from all over the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada.  It was also a great opportunity for the attendees to hear from nationally prominent speakers including the Director of the Teamster’s Women Conference Sue Mauren, Senator Barbara Boxer of California, and Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom of California and San Francisco’s female Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White. 

Keynote speeches were given by Teamster General President Hoffa and Teamster Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall.

Several workshops were offered to the attendees as well. Among the attendees was Cape Air ExCo Chairman Captain Marilyn Rhude. Commenting on the conference, Captain Rhude said “The workshops offered were both informative and interesting. One that was especially well received was entitled: ‘Looking Back: Teamster Women’s DRIVE Motorcades: A Powerful tool for Change,’ by Karin Jones of the IBT Training and Development Department.”

The overall theme for the conference was how vitally important it is to vote in the upcoming presidential election and how much is at stake for unions.

“This conference was an excellent opportunity to see and hear firsthand the positive impact that membership in the Teamsters has made for so many working women,” said Rhude. “I made friends that I am certain will last a lifetime and look forward to attending next year.”

Atlas / Polar Flight Dispatcher Negotiations Continue
With the latest round of negotiations now complete with the company, continued progress brings them closer to agreement in all areas for the flight dispatchers’ first contract.

The recent session brought a tentative agreement on Article 17 (General), leaving only Article 1 (Recognition and Scope), Article 3 (Compensation), and Article 2 Definitions) remaining.

Several proposals on each of the remaining Articles were exchanged and significant progress bringing them much closer to being able to find agreement in each of these areas was reported. 
The parties will meet for five days in October and expect that these meetings will result in an agreement in the remaining open areas of the contract, enabling the union to prepare it for presentation to all members to prepare for ratification.

In a communication to the membership, the Negotiating Committee said, “This has been a difficult and long process.  We should all be proud of the level of patience and professionalism we have all displayed during this long process.  We have seen through this process that we were correct to partner with the IBT.  We share the same vision; we want to continue to contribute to our company’s success and share the reward.”

Airline Industry News

Governmental and Regulatory
A key NextGen effort is on schedule for 2014, according to the FAA…

Industry and Labor
American Airlines and its pilots union have not yet scheduled talks over changes to their collective bargaining agreement.

Aeromexico and Delta Air Lines have signed a memo of understanding to construct a joint facility in Mexico for maintenance, repair and operations, which will be able to service seven aircraft simultaneously.

IAG, the parent company of British Airways and Iberia, is considering buying a stake in American Airlines.
The platform adopted by the Republican Party last week calls for sweeping changes to airport security, including the privatization of security.

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