Monday, May 7, 2012

Airline Division Week in Review May 5, 2012

Airline Division Advisory Board Meets
The Airline Division Advisory Board met on Friday, May 4th. The meeting was chaired by Board Chairman and General Executive Board Vice President George Miranda.
After opening remarks were made by Director David Bourne, the board proceeded to its agenda, covering a wide variety of subjects including at Republic Airlines, communications within the Division, CSA negotiations at USAirways, XJT / ASA MX and Stock clerk negotiations, SWA / AT MX and Stock Clerks seniority integration, and a discussion and review of the Teamsters victory over AMFA at Horizon Airlines MX.
Dues obligations at newly organized carriers and financial responsibility of Local Unions were also discussed.
Airline industry Safety expert and two term NTSB member John Goglia gave a presentation on the Airline Divisions "Go Team" program. The program will, when fully implemented, cover all crafts represented by the Teamsters Airline Division.
IBT / UAL Flight Safety Committee Update
The IBT UAL Flight Safety Committee met by conference call on May 3rd for discussions regarding the amalgamation of the UAL and CAL IBT contracts. IBT Airline Division Representative Chris Moore facilitated the call with UAL and CAL FSC members attending from around the system. Discussions centered on Article 14 of the UAL CBA, Article 14 of the CAL CBA and how the FSC can best serve the membership.
Airline Industry News
Governmental and Regulatory
The FAA has proposed fines for both Alaska and Horizon Airways…they have also issued a warning to a passenger who filmed a bird strike shortly after takeoff, violating the rule against using electronic devices…The Canadian government has appointed arbitrators for Air Canada and two unions.
Airlines and Industry
Boeing is testing a software fix for a modal suppression problem in the vertical stabilizer fuel tank in the 747-8I Freighter…
Spirit Airlines will begin charging $100 for carry-on bags…Delta Air Lines will end a monopoly on oil supply through its purchase of a refinery; analysts
say…Three unions representing American Airlines employees took out an ad in the Wall Street Journal, the Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The ad consisted of an open letter to management at AMR Corp., the parent company of American.
Frontier Airlines plans to shutter its crew base in Milwaukee and relocate the base to Chicago. Around 140 crew, including Captains, First Officers and Flight Attendants, are based in Milwaukee…About 150 airline pilots picketed in front of United Continental Holdings headquarters in Chicago on Thursday. The pilots protested the lack of a labor contract after several years of negotiations.

Several aviation businesses in South Florida are expanding and adding jobs. Embraer, Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky Aircraft are among the major aviation companies that have expanded in the
Floyd Hall, who took over as Chairman of Eastern Airlines after its founder Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, passed away last week at the age of 96.

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