Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Airline Division Week In Review - May 26, 2012

Comair F/A Negotiations Continue

This week negotiations for Comair Flight Attendants continued with steady progress being made in several areas. The parties exchanged proposals on Deadheading, Sick Leave, Moving Expenses and Labor Disputes. Discussions were also conducted on Scheduling. Following the week's bargaining session, the Comair Flight Attendants negotiating committee began informational meetings with the rank-and-file membership. The next scheduled bargaining session for the parties will be in mid June.

ExpressJet Negotiations Continue
Negotiations for ExpressJet resumed on May 22nd and continued through May 24th at the offices of the National Mediation Board in Washington D. C. There was extensive discussion between both parties and proposals were exchanged on several sections, including Section 6 - (Reduction in Force and Recall), Section 16 – (Moving Expenses) and Section 7 – (Hours of Service). While the parties are closer to reaching agreement on the sections of the agreement noted there are some fundamental differences still exist that have prevented them from reaching final agreement on the issues.
Negotiations are scheduled to resume June 27th and 28th in Houston.

Airline Industry News

Airlines and Industry
AMR Corp. bondholders are studying a proposal from USAirways to merge with AMR, the parent company of American Airlines…Airbus CEO Tom Enders says that the wing cracks found on Airbus A380s were a result of new technology that wasn't completely understood.
On Wednesday, AMR finished its testimony to throw out their labor contracts…Southwest Airlines has reached a tentative deal with Delta Air Lines to sublease its entire fleet of 88 fuel-efficient Boeing 717 planes starting in 2013….while their Flight Attendants have voted against any contract changes
Boeing and Airbus have predicted a market of $4 trillion for new aircraft over the next two decades…Delta Air Lines could purchase more regional jets once a contract with pilots is ratified, its pilots union says.
Recent oil price reductions could lead to increased profits for U.S. airlines.

Mechanics Dispatch - May 25, 2012

May 25, 2012

Business Agents meet with Mediator Ralph Berger
The Business Agents met in Newark, NJ with representatives from the Airline Division and Arbitrator Ralph Berger to further discuss the seniority integration issues for the three subsidiary airlines. The IBT retained independent counsel from the firm of Spivak Lipton, a law firm specializing in union-side labor and employment benefits, to review the effect of the sub UA consent decree on the overall integration. After reviewing the opinion from Spivak Lipton, the BAs requested further clarifying information. An additional BA meeting is scheduled for June 12th to accomplish this goal. Following that meeting, the national seniority integration committee will meet on June 20th. Both meetings will be held in Newark. Look for updates in the Dispatch as well as from your respective Locals as the process continues.

Benefits Committee Holds Conference Call
As previously noted in past editions of the Dispatch, the IBT retained consultant Pete Hardcastle from “Cheiron,” a benefits advising firm in McLean, VA to run different pension plan scenarios so that the committee can inform the membership of available options. This important work will continue as the committee prepares for joint negotiations.

On Friday, May 18, 2012, the committee held a conference call with Mr. Hardcastle to review the requests for information made in earlier meetings. The benefits committee will meet again in DC on Tuesday June 5, 2012 to receive a briefing of different types of pension plans that could be available to the members based on Mr. Hardcastle’s recommendations.

The committee will also continue identifying the differences of the three sub companies current, Medical, Dental, Vision, Life plans and decide the best way to survey the membership to identify any problems that need to be addressed during negotiations.
Further updates will be published in the Dispatch after every meeting to keep everyone up to date on this important topic.

Sub UA Business Agents Visit IAH Facility
Last week BA’s Rich Petrovsky and Javier Lectora from Locals 986 and 856 respectively, visited the maintenance facilities in Houston and were hosted by BAs Angel Cantu, Dominic Fierro, and Chief Steward Michael Nerren of Local 19. This visit is part of a broader effort to learn the ways each subsidiary applies the provisions of their respective CBAs as well as to build solidarity. Previously, Cantu along with Chief Steward Dan Stunda of Local 19 visited the SFO facility for the same purpose. During both the IAH and the SFO visit, all Representatives were able to meet with members to discuss concerns, as well as meet with management to get a better understanding of the processes used at each subsidiary. After the visits, each of the participating Representatives expressed a desire to continue the very important work of continuing to build a network of communication that will ensure the membership is protected in the best way possible.

Contract Proposals Reminder
Locals are currently accepting proposals for the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement. Please see your Steward or Business Agent to receive a proposal form. The Airline Division has a proposal form available online as a backup which can be accessed at http://surveygoldplus.com/s/2B85473BE6084779/33.htm. Proposals must be completed by June 15th so that the Steering Committee has time to prepare for their meeting July 9th. The System Steering Committee is scheduled to meet in SFO the week of July 9th, in IAH the week of July 16th and in DEN the week of July 30th. During these sessions, your System Steering Committee will be taking members’ proposals and incorporating them into an opening proposal format.

Recall list Exhausted for Aircraft Maintenance in LAX
Business Agent Dave Elmore reported that the recall list for sub UA aircraft mechanics in Los Angeles was recently exhausted. LAX joins a list of cities that includes Chicago, Denver, Charleston SC, and Washington Dulles. In addition many cities have exhausted the sub UA recall list for ground equipment and facilities maintenance. While there are still many more members on furlough in San Francisco, Indianapolis and New York as well as some of the smaller line stations, what Dave reported is part of an overall trend towards recall. Members on furlough are urged to keep their addresses updated as stated below.

Furloughed members urged to update their addresses.
Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent. If you are in touch with a furloughed member, please forward this information to them. Updates may be emailed to: ESC@united.com . The ESC will provide a fax number and ask members to send the address change accompanied with a signature.

Useful links
If you would like to see a link added to this list please contact Bob Fisher at: rcfisher7@yahoo.com
Airline Mechanics Forum Airline Mechanics forum (This is a good place to discuss merger related items)
The following Locals represent these respective cities:
Boston Local 25
New York & Washington Local 210
Charleston & Atlanta Local 528
Miami & Orlando Local 769
Cleveland Local 964
Chicago Local 781
Houston, Dallas & New Orleans Local 19
Phoenix Local 104
Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Hawaii & Guam Local 986
San Francisco Local 856/986
Denver Local 455

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mechanics Dispatch for May 18, 2012

The original posting can be found here

CMI Agreement Ratified
The final stand alone CBA was ratified on May 11th when the CMI mechanics approved the new agreement with an overwhelming acceptance rate. This action allows us to take the next steps to combine all three contracts into a single collective agreement for the United Airlines mechanics and related members. Additionally, the Union will submit a petition for “Single Carrier Status” to the National Mediation Board now that all three subsidiaries have ratified their Collective Bargaining Agreements. “Single Carrier Status” will not affect your current status or CBA. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.

20% Outsourcing Audit
The sub UA draft outsourcing audit was presented to the company earlier this year. The draft has been returned to the auditor for correction. We expect a final report to be completed and released in the near future.

Contract Proposals
Locals are currently accepting proposals for the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement. Please see your Steward or Business Agent to receive a proposal form. The Airline Division has a proposal form available online as a backup which can be accessed at http://surveygoldplus.com/s/2B85473BE6084779/33.htm. Proposals must be completed by June 15th so that the Steering Committee has time to prepare for their meeting July 9th. The System Steering Committee is scheduled to meet in SFO the week of July 9th, in IAH the week of July 16th and in DEN the week of July 30th. During these sessions, your System Steering Committee will be taking members’ proposals and incorporating them into an opening proposal format.

Seniority Integration Committee Meeting Postponed
The meeting originally scheduled for May 16th has been postponed. Business Agents were scheduled to meet on the 11th to review a position paper from independent counsel regarding the Consent Decree that governs sub UA layoff and recall order and whether and how it may affect the combined group. The independent counsel was unable to complete the review and assessment in the short time frame they were given and were unable to be ready for the meeting on the 11th.

Joint Counseling
Don Ramsey, sub UA Chief Steward Aircraft Maintenance in Denver, reported on the Chief Steward call that the company was not correctly following the procedures laid out in the joint counseling letter in Denver. After discussion with the company, local management is now aware of the procedures and will follow them.

Life Insurance Concerns
Larry Calhoun, sub UA Chief Steward JFK, reported on the Chief Steward call that most issues with employee life insurance should be resolved. Larry encourages each member to verify that the correct amounts of life insurance are reflected in their profiles.

Furloughed members urged to update their addresses.
Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent. If you are in touch with a furloughed member, please forward this information to them. Updates may be emailed to: ESC@united.com . The ESC will provide a fax number and ask members to send the address change accompanied with a signature.

Useful links
If you would like to see a link added to this list please contact Bob Fisher at: rcfisher7@yahoo.com
Airline Mechanics Forum Airline Mechanics forum (This is a good place to discuss merger related items)
The following Locals represent these respective cities:
Boston: Local 25
New York & Washington: Local 210
Charleston & Atlanta: Local 528
Miami & Orlando: Local 769
Cleveland: Local 964
Chicago: Local 781
Houston, Dallas & New Orleans: Local 19
Phoenix: Local 104
Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Hawaii & Guam: Local 986
San Francisco: Local 856/986
Denver: Local 455

Monday, May 21, 2012

Airline Division Week In Review - May 20, 2012

UAL Teamsters Attend Safety Roundtable
The UAL Teamsters Flight and Ground Safety committees attended the Integrated and TechOps Safety Roundtable, or (I)SRT, in Chicago on Wednesday this past week. The ISRT gathers all the operational divisions together to review information collected through the various reporting programs like ASAP, CASS, and LOSA. The goal is to insure that upper management has a clear view of the hazards and the risks those hazards present to the operation. Also discussed was what is being done to mitigate those risks from becoming an incident or accident.

P.T. Thomas (ORD-FSC), Joe Foley (ORD-GSC) along with Chris Moore, and Ralph Ortiz attended the TechOps SRT. The company indicated its desire to start an Injury Trend Workshop where employees’ records would be review when there were two or more injuries within two years. An OSHA letter indicating that company run incentive programs or disciplinary acts would be a disincentive to injury reporting and should not be allowed was introduced by Ralph Ortiz. IBT Flight Safety Committee Chair John Fischbach brought up an issue on how safety information collected by the company would flow through the different CBA safety programs.

Atlas Dispatchers Discussions Continue

Negotiations for the first contract for Atlas Air Worldwide dispatchers continued this past week in New York. The Company, having been presented with a proposal on Article 3 (Compensation) in November offered a counter proposal on Tuesday. While the parties are still apart, the company showed their willingness to consider several new concepts that vary from current practice. As negotiations came to a close last week, a next round of negotiations was agreed to, beginning on June 6th, with the Company commiting to continue that next round of negotiations will continue until an agreement is reached.

ExpressJet Negotiations Continue 

Contract negotiations resumed on May 15th in Atlanta and while there are no new tentative agreements reached during the week, it was a productive week.  Face to face dialogue and passing of formal proposals resulted in substantial progress on Section 6 (Reduction in Force and Recall) and Section 7 (Hours of Service).  Progress was also made on Section 16 (Moving Expenses).

The Company also made a proposal on Section 10 (Leaves of Absence_.  Although previously tentatively agreed to, the union committee is also working on a response to this proposal.

We will resume on Tuesday, May 22nd in Washington D.C. at the offices of the National Mediation Board.

CMI Agreement Ratified, Path Now Clear to Begin SCBA for UAL/CAL/CMI
The final stand alone CBA was ratified on May 11th when the CMI (Continental-Micronesia) mechanics approved the new agreement with an overwhelming acceptance rate. This action now allows the next step in the process of combining all three contracts into a single collective agreement for the United Airlines mechanics and related members. Additionally, the Union will submit a petition for “Single Carrier Status” to the National Mediation Board now that all three subsidiaries have ratified their Collective Bargaining Agreements. “Single Carrier Status” will not affect the current status of members or their CBA’s.

Airline Industry News

Governmental and Regulatory
The Federal Aviation Administration says it plans to review its decision to exclude cargo pilots from pilot-fatigue rules…Investigators found lax supervision at an air traffic control tower in Ronkonkoma, N.Y., after a whistle-blower reported safety violations. Controllers would watch movies on their laptops or take naps during slow periods after midnight…A judge has ruled that AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines, can alter agreements with nonunion employees during bankruptcy.

Airlines and Labor
Alaska Air Group, JetBlue Airways, Southwest Airlines, and Virgin America have each secured a spot at Virginia's Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to launch daily flights, two of them to West Coast airports...Daniel Akins, an airline-industry economist, has testified in bankruptcy court that a US Airways merger with AMR Corp. is "inevitable."

Scott Kirby, president of US Airways, says a merger with AMR Corp. would resolve pilot seniority issues at US Airways.

A $200 million cargo facility at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago is slated to open next year -- and is forecast to bring 11,000 jobs with it.

Southwest Airlines has deferring delivery of 30 Boeing 737-800 aircraft until 2017-2018 as it struggles to hit its profit targets.

Delta Air Lines and its pilots union have reached a contract accord seven months before the deadline, a rare feat in the airline industry…Boeing is considering  raising production on the 787…Five of seven work groups in the Transport Workers Union accepted an American Airlines contract with union workers…

European aircraft manufacturer Airbus has accused U.S. rival Boeing "of trying to start a price war," this feature says…EADS, the parent company of Airbus, said the company took a $203 million charge in the first quarter for fixing problems with A380 wings. Airbus delivered four A380s in the quarter, and has 71 A380s in service.

AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines, said it would consider merger options while in bankruptcy…Boeing will move maintenance work from Kansas to Texas…AMR also could outsource more work after bankruptcy….UPS is lining up financing for its acquisition of TNT Express.

The union representing the pilots of Continental and United Airlines has called for a  vote on striking the carrier.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Contract Proposal Sheets

This is a reminder to submit your thoughts and ideas regarding sections of the contract you would like to see addressed in the Joint CBA. Contract proposal sheets can be found at each Union bulletin board and will be collected until June 15th. If you wish, you can fill out a contract proposal sheet on line here.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mechanics Dispatch for May 11, 2012

View past Mechanics Dispatch Updates here

National Steering Committee Meets
National Steering Committee Meets On Monday, April 23rd,the members of the rank and file steering committee held their first meeting. Committee members discussed the process for achieving a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement. The goal is to set the groundwork for what will become an acceptable agreement for the 8,800 active and 3,300 furloughed members. To begin the process, a call for proposals has begun in many Locals and will begin soon from the Airline Division. Members are encouraged to participate and share their thoughts regarding sections of the contract they would like to see addressed. Proposals will be accepted on every aspect of the Agreement for the opener with the company. Currently it is unknown how seniority will be applied, (i.e., for positions such as Lead and Inspector) and once the committee makes its recommendation it will most likely require a reassessment of the membership’s goals for those sections dealing with seniority. For that reason, the proposal gathering process may repeat in the near future after the report from the seniority integration committee. Locals and the Airline Division will stop taking proposals on June 15th. Afterthat date, Local Steering Committees will begin the task of vetting the proposals in order to bring them to the national rank and file steering committee. The national committee will convene again on July 9th and meet for two straight weeks. Then a third session is scheduled for the last week of July. It is hoped that a comprehensive proposal will then be ready to present to the company. Here is a link to the Airline Division proposal form: http://surveygoldplus.com/s/2B85473BE6084779/33.htm

GQ/PV Meeting Held in Chicago
On April 24th, members of the sub United GQ/PV (GSE and Facilities) groups met with leadership of the company to discuss system wide issues for those shops. There were several updates from the company on the expansion of different shops and the work that is currently being accomplished. As a result of previous meetings, the bid area 108 and 109 positions were discussed further. Since the current CBA was based off the sub Continental Agreement and there was no direct correlation between GQ/PV (only welders and machinists), it was determined that it would be appropriate to develop an MOU outlining the duties and responsibilities for these two bid areas within the shops. In attendance for the union were Airline Division Representatives Clacy Griswold and Bob Fisher, Local 986 Business Agent Dave Elmore, Local 781Business Agent Kevin Giegoldt, and Rank and File members Ken Meidinger (Local 455), Scott Baroni (Local 781), Dion Cornelious, Greg Sullivan (Local 986) and Allen Codsides (Local 210).

Joint Board of Adjustment held in Chicago
On Wednesday the 25th a sub United joint board session (known as “System Board” in the sub Continental Agreement) was held in Chicago. Three cases were heard and decisions have been sent to the Business Agents. The next Board will convene in San Francisco on May 23rd.

Implementation Items
Work by the company continues to progress towards the full implementation of the sub United CBA. A couple of issues of concern are the changeover of midnights from the first shift of the day to the third shift of the day, and the population of the BAQ list. For the changeover of midnight shift the company added an extra day on paper to the pay period so the pay period covering the 30th will have 15 days instead of the normal 14 days. This is a one-time transitional implementation event to compensate for the move to the new language and will be completed for the system on April 30th. The BAQ concerns continue as the list is established. Members are advised to print and keep copies of training records to prove eligibility for overtime in different bid areas during the transition to the new bid area qualifications. These saved records may also prove helpful if later disputes on qualifications arise. Members should be able to begin requesting changes to their BAQ list in the near future.

Furloughed members urged to update their addresses
Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent. If you are in touch with a furloughed member, please forward this information to them. Updates may be emailed to: ESC@united.com . The ESC will provide a fax number and ask members to send the address change accompanied with a signature.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Airline Division Week in Review May 5, 2012

Airline Division Advisory Board Meets
The Airline Division Advisory Board met on Friday, May 4th. The meeting was chaired by Board Chairman and General Executive Board Vice President George Miranda.
After opening remarks were made by Director David Bourne, the board proceeded to its agenda, covering a wide variety of subjects including at Republic Airlines, communications within the Division, CSA negotiations at USAirways, XJT / ASA MX and Stock clerk negotiations, SWA / AT MX and Stock Clerks seniority integration, and a discussion and review of the Teamsters victory over AMFA at Horizon Airlines MX.
Dues obligations at newly organized carriers and financial responsibility of Local Unions were also discussed.
Airline industry Safety expert and two term NTSB member John Goglia gave a presentation on the Airline Divisions "Go Team" program. The program will, when fully implemented, cover all crafts represented by the Teamsters Airline Division.
IBT / UAL Flight Safety Committee Update
The IBT UAL Flight Safety Committee met by conference call on May 3rd for discussions regarding the amalgamation of the UAL and CAL IBT contracts. IBT Airline Division Representative Chris Moore facilitated the call with UAL and CAL FSC members attending from around the system. Discussions centered on Article 14 of the UAL CBA, Article 14 of the CAL CBA and how the FSC can best serve the membership.
Airline Industry News
Governmental and Regulatory
The FAA has proposed fines for both Alaska and Horizon Airways…they have also issued a warning to a passenger who filmed a bird strike shortly after takeoff, violating the rule against using electronic devices…The Canadian government has appointed arbitrators for Air Canada and two unions.
Airlines and Industry
Boeing is testing a software fix for a modal suppression problem in the vertical stabilizer fuel tank in the 747-8I Freighter…
Spirit Airlines will begin charging $100 for carry-on bags…Delta Air Lines will end a monopoly on oil supply through its purchase of a refinery; analysts
say…Three unions representing American Airlines employees took out an ad in the Wall Street Journal, the Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The ad consisted of an open letter to management at AMR Corp., the parent company of American.
Frontier Airlines plans to shutter its crew base in Milwaukee and relocate the base to Chicago. Around 140 crew, including Captains, First Officers and Flight Attendants, are based in Milwaukee…About 150 airline pilots picketed in front of United Continental Holdings headquarters in Chicago on Thursday. The pilots protested the lack of a labor contract after several years of negotiations.

Several aviation businesses in South Florida are expanding and adding jobs. Embraer, Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky Aircraft are among the major aviation companies that have expanded in the
Floyd Hall, who took over as Chairman of Eastern Airlines after its founder Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, passed away last week at the age of 96.