Monday, February 18, 2013

Negotiations Update For February 15, 2013


This week the parties met in Chicago to round out Phase 1 – (non economic) reconciliation talks. We are on schedule at this point and have discussed every article in the Phase 1 agenda. Other than a few remaining reconciliation issues that may have room for some further discussion, Phase 1 of the process is nearly complete. The credit for the success of this first stage goes to the subcommittee groups of both sides who with the help of senior mediator Pat Sims and the NMB were able to outpace the language writers for this course of action.
Next week in Chicago, a small group from the Teamster committee will focus on constructing and tightening language to reflect the agreements reached in committee discussions. This language will then be available for analysis, review and edits by the entire committee the following week prior to moving forward. During this final week in February, the parties will also have the opportunity with the assistance of the NMB to attempt to reach agreements in principal on the few remaining outstanding Phase 1 issues before the process moves to Phase 2.
The process of Phase 2 is expected to begin on schedule in early March. In Phase 2, we will discuss all the components of the economic portions of the agreement including pay, job protections, and benefits such as pension and medical options. There will also be discussions on any of the Phase 1 language we could not agree on carried over in to Phase 2.
In anticipation of economic discussions, this week the negotiating team was introduced to economist Dan Akins. Dan has worked closely with Dr. Jim Kimball, the IBT’s Director of Economics and Research as well as the Airline Division.  He brings his 30 years of experience as an airline economist to assist the committee in the negotiating process and has built his distinguished career working primarily for organized labor. Dan has a deep appreciation and understanding how airline companies operate and negotiate. His area of expertise and assistance will come in the form of dissecting the financial data requested from the company and offer suggestions moving forward. 
During the week a small subcommittee met with Cheiron, to discuss health care options. Chieron is a highly regarded full-service financial analysis and actuarial consulting firm located in Chicago and has dedicated two of their top rated actuaries, John Colberg and Gaelle Gravot to assist the Teamster negotiating committee with the benefits process.
Data provided to the actuaries was created by the benefits committee.   The actuaries from Cherion will take the data along with additional data requests from the carrier and provide recommendations to the Teamster benefits subcommittee.  
Cheiron and others will help to ensure that the subject of our benefits do not become “incompacilated.” This made up word was created during one of our long breakout sessions that generally describes the tendency of some company officials who attempt to dilute our expectations. The committee will remain diligent to ensure a watchful eye for these types of actions and will create other words to describe them as needed.
The committee is very appreciative and would like to express our thanks for the support and guidance we have received from the various in-house and outside individuals and firms that have been brought in to assist in these discussions.
Committee Member Health Report
The negotiating committee is pleased to announce that the latest conversation with Allen Cosides finds him on his way to recovery. Allen suffered a heart attack recently which has him sidelined for the time being. Today, Allen and his wife were able to get outside for a bit of fresh air. We will keep him involved as much as possible while he recovers and look forward to his return as a helpful part of this committee.  Our special thanks goes out to all who offered assistance to Allen and who have kept him in your thoughts and prayers.
Furloughed members urged to update their addresses
Members on furlough are advised to keep their addresses current with the company while on layoff. It is predicted that there will be many movements this year and there have been several members that have been removed from the seniority list because old addresses were on file when notices were sent.
If you are in touch with a furloughed member, please forward this information to them. Updates may be emailed to: . The ESC will provide a fax number and ask members to send the address change accompanied with a signature.
Useful links
If you would like to see a link added to this list please contact Bob Fisher
Airline Mechanics Forum Airline Mechanics forum (This is a good place to discuss merger related items)
The following Locals represent these respective cities:
Boston Local 25
New York & Washington Local 210
Charleston & Atlanta Local 528
Miami & Orlando Local 769
Cleveland Local 964
Chicago Local 781
Houston, Dallas & New Orleans Local 19
Phoenix Local 104
Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Hawaii & Guam Local 986
San Francisco Local 856/986
Denver Local 455

Airline Division Week In Review February 16, 2013

UAL Negotiations Continue on Track 

This week the parties met in Chicago to continue Phase 1(non economic) reconciliation talks on a joint combined collective bargaining agreement. With a few remaining reconciliation issues that may require further discussion, next week a small group from the Teamster committee will focus on constructing and tightening language to reflect the agreements reached in committee discussions. That language will then be available for analysis, review and edits by the entire committee the following week prior to moving forward.  

The process of Phase 2 which will discuss all the components of the economic portions of the agreement including pay, job protections, and benefits such as pension and medical options is scheduled to begin in early March.  

In anticipation of economic discussions, this week the negotiating team was introduced to economist Dan Akins, who has worked closely with IBT Director of Economics and Research Dr. Jim Kimball as well as the Airline Division.  Akins brings 30 years of experience to the table as an airline economist and has a deep appreciation and understanding how airline companies operate and negotiate.  
Discussions will continue next week in Chicago. 

TAMC hosts Tulsa American Airlines Blitz and Press Conference 

Teamster mechanics from across the nation came together in Tulsa on Saturday February 16th to help their brothers and sisters at American Airlines make their final push toward election. More than twenty teams of AA and Teamster mechanics took to the streets to spread the word to those AA workers who have not yet had the chance to sign a card.  

During the press conference the TAMC acknowledged the hard work of the AA mechanics and related in their effort to bring this organizing campaign to an election and the AA mechanics announced that they have reached majority at the following stations: TUL, JFK, MIA, LAX, AFW, DWH, SFO, EWR,TPA, ATL, DCA, LAS, SAT and PHX. 

The media event was covered by all four TV networks and both local newspapers. The Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition is the mechanics voice within the Airline Division.  With 18,000 mechanics and related the Teamsters represent more workers in the craft than any other Union.  

Republic Pilots, RAH Management to Resume Discussions with NMB Mediator 

Federally mediated discussions that had been suspended by the NMB over lack of progress a month ago are now scheduled to resume this week. 
While the original suspension of mediation had been scheduled to end in early summer, the announcement by the company of a new contract and flying under the American Eagle banner for American Airlines was considered to be of significant importance and warranted an earlier resumption of discussions. 

Discussions will take place at NMB Headquarters in Washington.

Airline Industry News 

Governmental and Regulatory 
Top ranking members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee were briefed on Friday by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on its investigation of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner airplane. 
Lawmakers plan to further examine examine the US Airways-American Airlines merger, but some have expressed support for consolidation in the industry.  

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a request for proposals on Thursday to create six sites to test unmanned aerial vehicles.  

The National Transportation Safety Board is looking at microscopic dendrites as a source of battery failure for the Boeing 787.

Airlines and Industry 

The leaders of the pilot unions for US Airways and American Airlines have sent a letter to members about negotiations for the merger of the carriers, expressing their commitment for a "win-win conclusion" to the merger process. 

On Monday, Boeing conducted a second test flight of its 787 Dreamliner. The flight lasted an hour and 29 minutes, and included 11 test-flight employees and two pilots.  

About 60% of travelers responding to a Delta Air Lines survey oppose allowing cell phone calls or videoconferencing while onboard flights.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Seniority List Update

February 9, 2013
An email has been circulating with two seniority lists attached. This email is questioning
the validity of the lists and claiming local management teams have them but are not
releasing them yet.
The lists were provided to the Union as part of an overall information request but none
of the rules the Seniority Integration committee have agreed to have been applied to
these lists. In other words, they are highly inaccurate and have flipped positions for
hundreds from current lists. Because they were highly inaccurate and will not be used
in any way, the lists were not released to the membership. As soon as the Seniority
Integration committee has the combined list and it has been checked for accuracy it will
be released to the membership.
Until a combined list is released by the Seniority Integration committee with their stamp
of approval there is no official list. Please be aware of this when receiving this type of
email. If you ever do or have a question, please contact your steward for accurate

AIrline Division Week In Review February 8, 2013

Continuing Progress at UAL / CAL / CMI Negotiations 
Despite wrapping up early to allow members to get home before the East Coast blizzard, union negotiators for the UAL / CAL / CMI mechanics and management progressed this week in Chicago. 
The parties met to continue Phase 1, non-economic reconciliation talks. The focus was on Articles 3 - (Classifications), Article 17 – (Overtime) and Article 12 – (Field Trips).
The bulk of the week's work focused on Article 3 – (Classifications). The Union subcommittee presented a detailed report to the Company subcommittee describing what was believed to be a current view of the bid areas and included what they believe is the best path forward. Progress was made and work will continue next week.

Field Trips (Article 12) talks led to an agreement in principle by the parties on the Phase 1 issues. The same subcommittee then moved on to Article 17 – (Overtime) and was able to reach an agreement in principle.
The NMB will join the parties as scheduled when talks resume on Monday.  

UAL Negotiators Respond to False Information in Email 
Responding to an email being circulated that purports to have the merged seniority list, on Saturday afternoon the following message was sent to UAL/CAL/CMI mechanics. 
“An email has been circulating with two seniority lists attached. This email is questioning the validity of the lists and claiming local management teams have them but are not releasing them yet. 
The lists were provided to the Union as part of an overall information request but none of the rules the Seniority Integration committee have agreed to have been applied to these lists. In other words, they are highly inaccurate and have flipped positions for hundreds from current lists. Because they were highly inaccurate and will not be used in any way, the lists were not released to the membership. As soon as the Seniority Integration committee has the combined list and it has been checked for accuracy it will be released to the membership.  
Until a combined list is released by the Seniority Integration committee with their stamp of approval there is no official list. Please be aware of this when receiving this type of email. If you ever do or have a question, please contact your steward for accurate information.”

Airline Industry News 
Governmental and Regulatory 
The Airbus A350 has received certification for its engines from European safety authorities. Airbus plans to complete a maiden flight of the A350 in the summer.  
The Federal Aviation Administration granted permission for Boeing to conduct more test flights of the 787 over unpopulated areas.  
The Federal Aviation Administration has yet to fully implement measures such as a database of pilots' background information, according to a report by the Transportation Department's inspector general. 
Deborah Hersman, the head of the National Transportation Safety Board, is a top candidate for the position of transportation secretary, sources say.  
Airlines and Industry 
Creditors for AMR Corp. are meeting on Monday, and may vote on a proposed merger with US Airways, sources say. A merger between American and US Airways would create the largest carrier in the U.S. 
Boeing plans to begin assembling the new version of its Dreamliner, the 787-9, in the next few weeks, a source says. The new version would carry around 40 additional passengers, and would use the same battery system as the 787. 
Unions representing American Eagle employees are seeking to block an AMR Corp. deal with Republic Airways for regional flying.  
US Airways Group Chairman and CEO Doug Parker would take the reins as CEO if the carrier merged with American Airlines, sources say.  
Boeing is working on a redesign of the Dreamliner 787 to address battery issues.  
Despite the issues caused by lithium ion batteries that led to several fires and led to a ban on them being carried as cargo on passenger flights after the crash of a UPS 747-400, new rules will allow them to be carried on passenger flights. 

Negotiations Update for February 8, 2013

Negotiations Update February 8, 2013

This week the parties met in Chicago to continue Phase 1, non-economic reconciliation talks. The focus was on Articles 3 - (Classifications), Article 17 – (Overtime) and Article 12 – (Field Trips). The Union committee was missing a very important member due to health issues for this session. Allen Cosides suffered a heart attack last Friday, but is currently home recovering. We would like to ask you all to keep Allen and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We on the negotiating committee are looking forward to his speedy recovery and return. The bulk of this week's work focused on Article 3 – (Classifications). Because of the difference in the way the San Francisco base has operated in the past, the transition to the new agreement has been difficult. The Union subcommittee presented a detailed report to the Company subcommittee describing what was believed to be a current view of the bid areas. The report also included what the Union committee believed was the best path forward. The Union committee would like to thank all of the stewards and members that helped to provide this useful information. While progress was made on this Article the work will continue next week. Field Trips (Article 12) talks continued until Wednesday when an agreement in principle was reached on the Phase 1 issues. The same subcommittee then moved on to Article 17 – (Overtime) and was able to reach an agreement in principle.

A major winter storm in the northeast caused the negotiations to wrap up on Thursday evening in order to allow the Union negotiators to get home ahead of the massive flight cancellations that were instituted. The NMB will be with us next week when the parties resume talks on Monday. The Article 3 subcommittee is slated to continue its work and a review of the status of several articles will occur to determine which other sub committees will meet.